"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - The new wave - 27.06.2024


“Light is not conquered, it is accepted... ”~ Philippe François
In addition to the Full Moons and Solstice, Constellations and Planets, solar flares add up creating an intense energy to focus and know where we are and direct the next steps on our Journey. We are in the accelerated process of crossing a threshold between dimensions. The records, even of blackout, of Schumann frequencies demonstrate this dynamics over the past 3 days.

I always bring posts with repeated information about the necessary Inner Work of Releasing to reach the higher aspects of our Self, thus participating in the Divine Plan of Ascension.
The End of Darkness on Earth has been Decreed. Light penetrates with the power to dissolve them on every level, so violent and dark events become visible daily.
"To open the doors of Wisdom is to arrive at the sun where the Shadows yield to the Light." ~Rumi
"This little light is my Consciousness, the only light I have - no matter how small and fragile it is in the face of the powers of Darkness, it is still a light, my only light. " ~ C.G. Jung
Surrounded by your Light, learn to love.
Do you still think you live apart from the Superior Kingdoms?
You must activate your sleeping Wings and fly into the space where there is no longer separation between you and Your Home and live centered in your Sacred Heart.
“With Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge Your House Is Built. ~Proverbs 24:3-4
Think... You are the KEY...
“There will always be those who will say, “Nothing works! I try and try its always the same thing It's a tough life! Nothing Changes ! "
"When you are manifesting, your first instinct will be to force, even if it's not for the highest and the best... and it becomes a challenge and a frustration to wait when you want an immediate result.
My dear child(s), the Universe is asking you to trust that you are being heard and that Divine Timing is always working with and not against you... “
"If you are repeating a story of “someone did me wrong” or “my childhood was horrible”, you are sending to the Universe that this is what you are, this is what you want...
You have a choice! With the Wave of Energy coming, it's your chance to start that change.
For a few moments today, picture your life as you want it to be. Feel, ... and try as if it's already happening. The power to change is within you and has always been yours. ” ~ (Snippets) Created by Jennifer Farley
Wilma Capuano

source - facebook

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