"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Seeing & Discernment - 15.06.2024

Please ONLY take what resonates. My humaness hesitates sharing this openly, yet it FEELS I am to pass this on prior to events, as my way of supporting you:


When you are a ‘Seer’ you learn to not take any ‘seeing’ TOO LITERALLY. You learn this over time and reality experiences, when what is seen in a pictorial way in advance then occurs in the ‘physical reality’. Consciousness shows us uniquely in various animated ways. And so you learn to keep an open mind, not jump to quick human mind conclusions when being shown ahead. Not take ‘energetic sight’ too literally by the human mind. For this reason, please be discerning of the below 3 sharings, and also to be discerning of how YOU interpret what I try to convey in the clearest possible way I can. Notice if the human mind quickly jumps to mental conclusions etc that may not be what is being shared below, from my consciousness showing me.

15 JUNE 2024 - TODAY:

I was consciousness observing remotely, a person of great financial affluence / opulence within this world, will transition. I was NOT shown who. They are very very well known to the world, ‘unawakened’ and have a physical partner. I saw thousands upon thousands of people throughout the world reacting to this transition. BUT, I was TOLD (by consciousness) as well as shown that the mass collective energetic EFFECT from many of humanity, will create a mass and large ENERGY SURGE within that ‘reality’ (this occurred on 9/11 in 2001, and at the passing of Princess Diana. I was shown Diana’s passing during the actual night she transitioned). To share that the person’s departure at some point in the ‘future’ from their body IS perfectly pre designed by their Soul pre incarnation. Divinely orchestrated, cared for and loved. So whilst it may appear as an outpouring of worldwide human emotions (and I’m sure multi-faceted in both loving / unloving ways within mass humanity), there is a higher ENERGETIC EFFECT created by many of the collective. The words ‘ENERGETIC SURGE’ were given as I watched thousands upon thousands. And this ENERGY SURGE created, is ultimately and somehow of great benefit to the rise in humanities consciousness, within the Greater Picture Design.

13 MAY 2021 - 3 YEARS AGO:

I received sight and data (that I shared). That when a particular world known singer transitions, it will serve as a ‘Marker Point’, that we have reached the HIGHEST POINT of HUMANITIES HUMAN INNER INTENSITIES. Out of respect and integrity I did not disclose who the singer is that I was shown. Please bare in mind this ‘seeing’ was when I had no idea we would, years later, enter the longer Timeline Period of ‘Tribulations’ humanity (generally but not all) are still experiencing within. This singer has not transitioned thus far. I am NOT KNOWING if the singer and this mornings sight are the same person. They may be two different people.

I will of course share when these events occur within the collective reality ‘movie screen’. I can be shown 1 day ahead, months ahead, years ahead of it actually occurring in physical reality. I very RARELY know dates of any of the occurrences.


15 JUNE 2024 - TODAY:

I share below ONLY in case there is an unexpected period of time I am not able to be on Facebook and Utube supporting you. If that does happen please know I will be back .

I was shown today my human body will have NO ABILITY to physically control what happens. But I will be ‘taken out’ by my Light Body. Into spirit. I don’t know how long for. And then return. I will have conscious awareness (as the human being) of what is happening. I am NOT KNOWING if this occurs via a physical ‘accident’. As what I was shown can be interpreted that way OR in MANY OTHER WAYS. It may be I am simply ‘taken’ by my Light Body. Either way, I come back into the world. I ONLY share this personal path ‘sight’ because I am conscientious of always supporting you as best I can. It is my life to. And so I share this as there ‘may’ be a temporary period of ‘time’ when I am unable to be here supporting and you won’t know WHY. I do not know how long for (a short or long time away), or indeed when it is to occur.

With Love Always,
15 June 2024
See beyond all sight and all human thoughts…that everything is divinely, connected

"Please know I’ve not gone anywhere yet 😀 It could be days, weeks or months ahead. And if it’s quick(?) you may not even notice any absence in my support and love here. I just don’t know"

source - facebook

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