"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Are you experiencing being in the Void? - 08.06.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

What a powerful energy passageway we are moving through currently, it may seem strange as though you current reality doesn't match what your Inner world or Energy is current process...
We are currently moving through "the inbetween" this feels as though it's one of the bigger collective timelines shift that is played out for so many.

This year has been so much about disentangling from past energies that have held us locked in old patterns or old timelines. So we can adjust into the new Frequency bandwidth of the New Co-Creational Earth Reality.

What I've been shown is that the Energy of this New Earth is being formulated within the Energetics real time, There are aspects of our which are already fully immersed within this Higher Timeline (which can be considered the future version of ourselves)

When we go to sleep we are merging into this space to receive the Energy Template and the Blueprint that will lead us into this full integration.

Therefore when we awake in this timeline we can feel a little bit displaced, lost, feeling incredibly weary, exhausted, confused & even frustrated as on a Soul level we know what's coming even if it's not yet fully Conciousness.

It can make us feel as though reality around us isn't real, we are moving through these final stages to incorporate the energy of our full expression in physical form.

As we move back and forth each day and night we are slowly adjusting to the singular Timeline.

The evening of June 6th brought through huge amount of lighr blues frequencies, which is upgraded our physical bodies & the need to rest more to allow this upgrade to fully integrate

Myself & others experienced being taken on board craft, the purpose of Energy Adjustment to help this transition and/or information given to support this next phase of Collective Evolution.
I would be very curious to hear what you've experienced?

Some of the notable symptoms at present are:

☆ Dizziness & Vertigo
☆Heat waves & Hot flushes
☆ Pain or pressure in the back on of neck or head area
☆ Aches & Pain in the body ~ joints, muscle legs & arms especially or feeling heaviness in the body
☆ High waves of strong emotions coming out of nowhere ~ tears, outbursts, anger and rage
☆ Feeling nausea ~ lack of appetite ~ then intense hunger ~ fluctuating
☆ Intense dreams ~ otherworldly ~ Prophetic ~ connecting within the New Earth Reality
☆Ringing in the ears ~ High pitched ~ different tones just come & go
☆ Needing more time to rest & sleep
☆ Energy buzzing through your body ~ feeling it stronger than ever before almost electric
☆ Stomach pain, digestive issues
☆ Off balance ~ vision blurry ~ seeing different things (More interdimensional interfacing ~ moving from one reality to another)
Things that can assist you:
☆ Eat intuitively what your guidance tells you from your body (not your head) somedays you'll require high vibe foods others you'll require heavier more dense food
☆ Connected with nature
☆ Salt bath can help with the physical body
☆ Keep hydrated
☆ Rest when you need to
☆ Meditate
☆ Connect with your Higher Self

Much Love
Alisha Braché
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