"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

 Welcome to June! 

We started a new energetic month and continue our journey. The energies are still high regardless our Sun activity. The political cinema aka the battle between light and dark still ongoing process and recently the badies try to fuel the fire - I think this was a sign what we see on the Cobra´s blog. https://2012portal.blogspot.com

Here in Austria and Germany, water is the king at the moment. Heavy rains came and streams and rivers began to overflow, flooding cities and roads. Firefighters and local residents defended themselves against the natural disaster. 



If we look at things from a different perspective, we can notice that natural disasters bring people closer to each other, community cohesion and helping each other is revived. But the question is still why something tragic has to happen in order for people to lean on each other and help each other. If this is the only thing that can strengthen community cohesion, perhaps this is a divine plan for people to finally unite.

The changes will become more and more powerful and not only mentally and consciously, but also physically. Not only we are going through the transformation, but also our beloved Earth. The incoming energies affect our physical reality in the same way, not just us. 


The other topic I wanted to write about is AI/robots 

I think you've already realized that everything is "smart" lately. Smartphone, smartwatch, smart TV, smart cookers, smart thermostats, etc. Slowly, all gadgets become smart, and people remain as subordinate personas in our own world. It is as if a conscious downsizing of human thinking is taking place, starting with education, media, news, movies, smart devices, etc. People become so addicted to these things because of the comfort, they are so stuck in this "imaginary/virtual world" that they hardly notice what is in front of them in reality. The problem begins when we can no longer separate reality from fiction. These gadgets serve us, but we cannot allow ourselves to be their slaves. Look at how many people are glued to their phones, how much time they spend in a virtual environment and how dependent they are on these things.

Perhaps one of my best examples of this sad reality is when we went on vacation. We had lunch in a restaurant and while we waited for our order, we talked and just simply enjoyed the environment. Families, friends and couples were sitting at the tables around us, but all of them had one thing in common: they were pressing their phones even when they ate. They barely talked, at most they showed each other things on their phones. But apart from us, there was maybe 1 group of people at the table who were laughing and talking loudly, I could felt the excitement and happiness from their friendship. I can honestly say that I mostly use my phone for taking photos, I don't have the Internet on it, nor games, nor music. When I go somewhere, I usually leave it at home or untouched stays in my bag. Anyway I don´t like if somebody call me or I should call somebody - I like more the text. 

This trend is not only among young people, but I noticed that it is also among the older age group, e.g. my parents. We meet maybe twice a year and I talk to my mom quite a lot like a running water, but there are many times when both of them are on their phones and my dad is the worst in this case. In such cases, it is difficult to believe that they are interested in what I have to say and listen to me. 

Different technology companies are competing with each other to develop ever smarter and fluently moving robots, which at one point will change the workforce. Robots are being developed for many areas, but many people are most attracted to "domestic partners, sex robots", which unfortunately once again drives a wedge into human connections. I don't think a robot will replace true emotional friends and love partners, rather it will make people more alienated. 

While the Terminator movie in the 80s was a warning film about the possible danger that AI carries, in these years it operates more in sympathy with robots and AI. One anime - Pluto - presents a world where robots have the same rights as humans and live just like us. The movie Creator a war rages between humans and robots, until a little boy robot appears, which can put an end to the war and the film advocates the peaceful coexistence of robots and humans.

Recently, a new movie starring Jennifer Lopez was released on Netflix called Atlas, where the human brain merges with artificial intelligence and thereby the AI ​​learns, creating a new intelligence. Unfortunately, the first attempt fails, because the AI ​​becomes a terrorist because of the many atrocities committed by humans, but science took the development forward and they formed a combat fighter team unit where humans and AI work together in this way. This movie tries to plant in your brain how good it is to merge with AI. We know that Elon Musk and a number of background power figures are working on this so that this "utopia" can be reality. I think the Borg from Star Trek was also more of a "message and warning" than fiction. 

But do you know what they want to imitate with this? The connection with our highest self. How nice it would be if we could establish a connection with our whole self in this way like presented in the movie and unfortunately those who still remember this feeling and connection unconsciously are exposed to this danger of being able to connect from an external source, aka AI. The attempt is to take advantage this deep remembering and alternate with AI. Therefore, this matrix is ​​the total opposite of the organic matrix. It copies the organic link and replaces it with AI. I really hope that humanity does not go down this road and become a real slave to a machine intelligence. Consider that a will from an external source takes over your mind and I think it would be able to make you do actions that you don't want over time. I think this case contains a great source of danger, because we cannot know what the intention is behind it. 

AI is a tool, it can be used for good or bad, it's like a knife, it's also a tool, the main difference is what you use it for - you help yourself with it, for example: prepare your food or you use it for other purposes for example took a life away with it. Always look at the intention behind something or all in all about everything.

For people like me, AI can help, e.g. in image generation, since I'm not a good draftsman, but I have imagination and thus I am able to create images with it that I wouldn't be able to do otherwise or paying much money for an artist. It is possible to produce small videos with it, the possibility is endless. What is important is the intention and the goal, but let's not be dependent on it or become a digital slaves. But if we take it as the development path of a civilization, the technological revolution is inevitable, but we must not become a cold society, technology and humanity can be in perfect balance.


I'm about to finish my cross-stitch project soon and I'm at a cross-road as to what to do next. Now you can help me choose. All you have to do is vote for a picture what you like :) Thanks the help!





Weekend vibes aren't complete without music, so I'll end this week with this song. Have a great weekend and patience and happiness for the next week!

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