"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - The reality of adult and minor souls in connection to the program - 15.06.2024

JUNE 15 2024

Please understand that we exist within a program.
A program that runs many different subprograms/realities/levels.
The awakening process is the process in which One awakens to this fact and realises/accepts that this is a programmed reality.
The Ascension process is the process in which One chooses to read the program of this reality and once One begins to do this,
all other realities that are attached to this program, begin being revealed too.
As we read the program we basically transmute it and we become its owners.
At the beginning we become owners not of the overall program yet but of our own program,
we can own our own code/reality to a much greater degree.
Of course the more people that transmute the program, the more people can access the same process
but there are layers of the overall program that still run in the service of those who have not chosen to take the same path,
this is what the splitting is.
Later on once established and balanced in the new reality,
we can become the full owners of the overall program and end it upon collective choice.
The physical splitting in simple words:
there are now two different possibilities/abilities within the same program,
in one possibility people can choose to stay aligned to the main program
and in the other,
people can actually be able to write their code as they wish
What is the difference between those who choose to follow the main program and those who have read the program and now can write their own code?
The answer is very simple,
self responsibility or not/being an adult or a minor Soul.
The main program is like a parent who is guiding the children,
once the children grow, take responsibility for every action and experience that they had and drop the victim/victimizer mentality, healing the insanity and illusion that was attached to these roles,
they can take over Wheel of their Life!
If children wish to still be minors, others or external forces will continue controlling the Wheel of their Life.
Now that the egg/seal hatched,
there will be greater freedom for the adult Souls and less freedom for the immature/minor Souls.
The events have not yet fully unfolded in the 3D reality
but have been strongly unfolding for the Living Ones.
This is why especially after the 5/5 we began feeling a huge and solid change taking place with in us.
I am aware that many in the awakening community are waiting for certain political and financial developments which they believe that will liberate them or humanity.
In my personal opinion these individuals are still in the position of the child,
waiting and hoping for an external change that will save them or make their life better.
This change will definitely play out
but it will still be a change coming from within the main program, like a switching of guards,
so it will be the same old story only from the opposite side.
This is what the program does, it controls and uses both ends of the balancing scale.
So these people will be in a sense used again by the program and will be affected and controlled by the new agents and the new systems that they will bring forth.
Many of these agents are already working non-stop to prepare the collective for this transition,
misleading people with a mix of truths and lies.
Many of them do not even realise that they are being used by the program,
they just feel their fighting against it and for what is right.
This is where they are in their own evolution process and it's ok.
So again, how each will move from now on,
it will be according to One's inner state of growth.
I was also told that some of the Living Ones who are not attached to any sides or agents of the program and have chosen true growth,
are very close to a real and big switch in their consciousness,
some of them have already experienced it.
This switch will come with a deep sense of Liberation, Empowerment and Peace
as the Being will be able to occupy the vital Space that the hatched egg/seal revealed and made available which was not available before.
This is a main reason in the splitting/upliftment,
the broadening of the space in One's Living field. This is for the adult Souls
because the minor Souls will experience the opposite, a shrinking of their vital space as bigger control will be applied on them.
This Solstice is shedding its light on all of the new paths and it will make things clearer.


Those that have the inner call to join this work,
can message me for the details of participation.
- The next 5D healing surgery
is on the 2nd of July
at 17:00 Athens time
Please book your place on time
(+ the names of 3 blood family members to also receive healing through your process)
via email
at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
Blessings of growth!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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