"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Sky energy update - cosmic waves - 12.06.2024


Gemini is the only sign that presents humans as a symbol, representing the duality between form and spirit, between intellect and instinct, radiating energy for the individual consciousness to be created.
Through this sign we become aware of the different parts of our Self living in complex contradictions.
There are parts of us that want one thing and parts of us that wish another. When we express one part, the other remains asleep in a dissociation of identity.
How do you reconcile the duality within yourself? The imperfection of human aspects with the perfection of divine?
Although we may oscillate, DNA determines the direction of our ever-evolving identity depending on the energetic commands it receives. So we must focus, the conscious observation of thoughts and feelings.
Since June 9, Mars has been stubbornly into challenging squadging with transformative and devastating Pluto causing turbulence that extrapolate the human emotional limit.
The energies of both are working together now to awaken the sleeping masses and shake the individual foundations.

We’re at the end of the critical phase of “Kali Yuga” - the “Era of Chaos,” which will take place in “Dwarpa Yuga” in 2025, thus increasing intensity in the coming months of this year.
As Jesus said: "In the end of time, there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars." "There will be wars and rumors of wars... ”. "There will be harsh winters." And more selfishness of men.
“Earth’s complete polar reversal is coming, and while it happens, it will move through a neutral zone that will cause extreme heat and cold, as well as devastation from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis.” (Keys of Enoch)

Don't be scared of these warnings, because Krishna affirmed that those who are righteous, scholars, who pray, who meditate to receive Divine guidance, practice good deeds, are not prejudiced, corrupt, criminals, who care for and respect Nature and their physical bodies, will be protected by connecting daily with TRANSCENDENCE INTELLIGENT: the FREQUENCY of SOURCE that brings information.
The planet Mercury, which governs all technological forms of communication and transportation and the network of neurons and the cognitive capacity of living beings, will be in exact alignment with the Sun on June 14, greatly elevating the energy we will receive from the magnetosphere through the eruptions blown with the electromagnetic particles from the powerful transforming plasma.
All this happens to restore our Brilliance in the Cosmos.
Wilma Capuano
(Mars/ Pluto text based on Dr. Schavi M Ali)

source - facebook

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