"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Power of Love - 21.10.2024

Never unestimate the power of Love, frequency, vibration.
Even if certain things have been planned to happen, then note that the more souls focus their love, light and hold the higher pure consciousness state, with pure intent, can indeed change the outcome, in positive and the highest ways for all.
For it takes but one single soul to lift thousands into higher light frequency states, and if more than one do this collectively it can lift millions.
At this moment the Divine masterplan is overriding all other manmade plans.
As Divinity lives in every soul, those souls who know that they are called to be the ones to lift the rest, will know who they are.
Love is.

When we live in and with truth and love, authentically, we are too busy living our best lives, deeply inspired from within, to worry about what other people are doing, or not doing, nor what they say. There is too much living to do, too much to explore within and without and so much to still grow and expand into. 
Judith Kusel 
PHOTO: ALL credit to the artist

Alexander Quinn - physical upgrades, - 21.10.2024

Over the past 72 hours, we have experienced several physical upgrades, accompanied by a significant influx of cosmic energy. Many individuals may have noticed a marked increase in the intensity of ear ringing, particularly over the weekend. As we move into Monday, some lightworkers may feel a sense of elation, while others, despite maintaining excellent diets and balanced lifestyles, might awaken feeling exceptionally fatigued and unable to find the energy to begin the day. We have been at the height of this energetic shift for some time now.

Blog News/Me News - 21.10.2024

This story is very recent and I am sharing it so that you can laugh with me on the one hand, and if a similar case were to arise, you should also think and consider before jumping into something. Don´t be me.

In one of my weekend vibezz articles, I mentioned that there was a very good opportunity for me to buy my selected cross-stitch kit that I wanted. The option pays 2, gets three.

Unfortunately, the company - Luca S - location is not part of the European Union (Moldova), but since I already ordered a small value package from England, I thought that the customs costs would not be too bad. Oh, I'm naïve 😅.

I ordered and paid for the package, I actually received the 3rd x-stitch kit for free and the postage was also free. To my surprise, the company sent it to the post office the next day and then I saw that it was coming from England, I think from one of their depots. It was already in Austria during the weekend and approx. it took 4 days at the postal customs service.

It finally got out of "captivity" last week Friday and I received it today... but I also got a bit of a shock when the post lady told me how much it would cost me to get it.

It surpassed all my expectations and I blinked like a fish in a bag - it cost 87,87 euros. I paid (bye my saved money 😭), brought it in and started laughing. I made the purchase of the century! (irony) The money I saved with my 3rd kit and postage, I now spent on customs. I calculated that if I had bought all of this in the German online store from which I am used to it, I would have achieved about the same result. After the laughter came the thought "what the hell did it cost so much", since I paid almost 50% of the value of the package for customs costs. This is complete robbery...ok, there is a 20% customs tariff... the value limit is 150 euros which I overstep... but how did they come up with this amount?

England, why did you leave the EU? 

Anyway, out of curiosity, I read the Austrian customs reviews on Google (I haven't read so many bad reviews in a long time) and I am very grateful that I received my package within a relatively "short" time, unopened, undamaged and complete.

If by chance I want to open an online shop and order from outside the EU again...well, I probably wouldn't do it. Now that was a "big" lesson. 

It was really a very good offer, the company was fast, orderly, reliable and I would order from them again, if only the customs tariff wouldn't be so...so high. I didn't think of that. That's why I laughed when I think how good deal I made and in reality about this tax thing - no.
But it's funny...my purchases of the decade...and the big robbery. 
Now I'm praying that whatever I've invested in this hobby comes back...

These will be my next projects :

This 1st picture took my heart a long time ago, - it´s gorgeous...and this will be my biggest picture yet.

Thanks for your attention, if you order from abroad, really look into the customs costs, because an offer is useless if it's not worth it. This was the lesson - research work - but even so, sometimes the math doesn't work out.

Lee Harris - The energy of your voice & Human experiences - 20.10.2024

If you are a chef or a cook or someone who finds great expression through cooking, your voice energy is in that creation. It may not be as shall we say, fully utilized as when you are speaking or singing or toning or chanting, but your expressive energy of voice is potent in more than your spoken word, your sung word, your toning sounds, meaning your voice is present far more of the time than you are aware it is. It lives in your thoughts. It lives in your writings. It lives in the way that you direct your life. And so we want to turn our attention to what we would call the silent voice, the mind. This is a conversation that you are having with yourself, that no one else might hear. For example, you are running through some thoughts in your mind, you are thinking of your day, you are thinking of a certain relationship. You are thinking of a certain thing you would like to happen. The energy of your voice is very present here.

-From Your Voice and How it Creates Your Future MP3


I look at some of the relationships in my life and how beautifully some of them have surprised me in the last couple of years - people I've known for a long time behaving in ways I wouldn't have expected, communicating in ways I wouldn't have expected - and I've gone, "Oh wow!" I've had to update my old ideas of who they were or how they thought about things. So, even though I know a lot of the mainstream focus and mainstream storytelling that we are constantly bombarded with is doom and gloom - it's also important to remember that those surprising human experiences can be delightful, enlivening, and healing.

-Lee Harris

Pam Gregory - The entire period from now all through until the end of the year has very strong and often volatile energy - 20.10.2024

Just a quick reminder that October 22nd, this Tuesday, is a very powerful day astrologically. The Sun at 29° Libra is exactly square to Pluto at 29° Capricorn, and this is actually a T-square as Mars is at 25° Cancer. The opposition between Mars and Pluto will continue to build into the exact square on November 3rd and 4th, but Mars will oppose Pluto in the US chart (4th July 1776, 17.10, Philadelphia) on October 28th.

In addition Mercury is exactly opposed to Uranus on October 30th at 26° Scorpio/Taurus. This is the financial axis, so we could see some surprises happening in that area, and the Sun-Mars-Pluto T-square is linked to a very strong show of force that is combustible and combative that is global but particularly linked to the US chart. It is also excellent for focus, willpower, and seeing projects through to the end in a personal sense.

The entire period from now all through until the end of the year has very strong and often volatile energy. Please keep dropping into stillness as often as you can, use the yogic baby belly breath if it helps you, and know that when we come together as humanity we can change the projected timeline. We are learning our mastery in these big times of change.
Many blessings to you all.

Cobra - Planetary Situation Update - 20.10.2024

Labels: : jesuit, secret space program

Original post:

Mundus subterraneus, quo universae denique naturae divitiae (very roughly "The subterranean world, all its riches"[1]) is a scientific textbook written by Athanasius Kircher, and published in 1665. The work depicts Earth's geography through textual description, as well as lavish illustrations.[2]

Diatribe de Progidiosis Crucibus ("Diatribe of Prodigious Crosses") is Kircher's most succinct and explicit statement in favour of seeking rational causes for phenomena through an understanding of natural laws, derived from observation, rather than seeking miraculous explanations.[3]: 233–4  He pursued this in greater detail in Mundus Subterraneus (1665).[4]: 154 

More about this:


Natalia Alba - powerful healing passage triggered by the Moon in Aries - 19.10.2024

Beloved Ones,

We are moving into a powerful healing passage triggered by the Moon in Aries, in alignment with the Healer Chiron and the Aurora transmissions that we are embracing again. A time for us to heal, and honor the Divine Feminine within us. The aspect of us that connects from within with All That Is and has ever been, reconnecting us to the love, wisdom, and power that we all carry within and that is often hidden or ignored, following outer sources.

It is now time for us to reconnect to our female essence, allowing it to guide us to our new destination, for She knows the detours we need to take to be where will be for our highest good and that of All.

This passage is ruled by Scorpion energies, inviting us to move inward, as the only way to clear all that is keeping us from embodying higher levels of consciousness. Scorpio is a sign that is precisely about the descension of more love, wisdom, and power, something we can only achieve through stillness, clearing, and conscious integration.

This passage is an important one that introduces us to the energies of 2025, a year of conclusion, and beginnings, and a year that introduces many of you to the next level in your ascension journey: physical emancipation, something we all are working with, as we continue crossing the veils of illusions.

This time is one of deep introspection and liberation. My Guides remark on the importance of working on the embodiment of the female principle at this time, which reminds us that all is within and that all we wish to create, remember, or expand comes from this inner Divine Space.

As you reclaim the female within you, you too reclaim your wisdom, activating your mission as a Divine Feminine Wisdom Keeper, for many of you are here on a mission to retrieve the ancient wisdom of the feminine.

Many of you are descendants of the Aquamarine races coming from the Andromeda portal through Sirius B. Your assistance is key to helping seed the Female Codes now descending upon Earth plane, a mission supported by the auroras and scorpion energies, at a more physical level.

Scorpion frequencies will also assist us in clearing false timelines, programs, and especially our brain complex, from implants, and inserts, especially in the thalamus, and pineal gland, which connect to our thymus and Higher Heart.

Scorpion energies will facilitate this inner work, clearing our eight monadic chakras of false connections, especially false twin flames cords, which we create out of our romanticization of what an authentic twin reunion is, and the magic influences that many use to create energetic and psychic cords to keep us enslaved, energetically, mentally and emotionally, which occurs when we consciously and unconsciously give our power away to fear, and then to others who take advantage of us.

This is a time of great distillation, and stillness, as we adapt, as this Water sign does, to all the changes we are still embodying from the many planetary events, and above all, our God Self transmissions, and continue recalibrating and adapting ourselves to this new energy influx.

With Scorpio and the current Aurora transmissions, we are invited to restore the female, by moving inward and reconnecting with our God Source, without intermediaries, without outer false sources, and without anything that can diminish our power and inner guidance.

The process of Consciousness integration is achieved through the removal of all that no longer serves us, as this is how we allow a Higher Intelligence to manifest through us.

It is only then that all we wish to create, love, abundance, and expansion can occur in our physical reality, for we no longer are attached to false energies and sources that create for us.
During these last months of the year, it is time for us to clear separation, and the soul isolation that comes when we are fragmented from our soul, as we are moving towards an important year for us to conclude cycles, and start moving into physical emancipation, which can only be accomplished when we first let go of who we used to be, and embrace who we are now.

Our personal task at this time is to continue achieving energetic and spiritual sovereignty, being the only ones governing our bodies, minds, hearts, and lives.
May you continue living within Divine Love, Wisdom, and Power, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art: Pinterest

Amanda Lorence - Transitional period of role changes - 20.10.2024


Since late September 2024, we have been in and are STILL IN, a gradual TRANSITION of Roles. Several times over the last 1.5 years, I’ve explained that this would occur at some point. That point began 4 weeks ago at Equinox, and continues. In this Paradigm that is experienced with a body, in an illusion of ‘Time’ and ‘Space’ it IS taking GRADUAL ‘time’ for ‘Roles’ to change into PRE-Destined Roles, chosen prior to this incarnation. Please understand, role changes WITHIN ANYONE DO take time to change over. The letting go of all that you have been, for all you are, and are to BE.

It is not occurring to everyone at this time, yet is occurring. Some of Clair sentience will FEEL and know that some are now in the midst of ‘Role Change’. Yet many aren’t at the moment, able to see, or know of others role changes. In a vast playing field, some characters are still expanding energetically and vibrationally in other beautiful ways on their path. Whilst others in the world chose at soul level prior to incarnation, to not expand vibrationally this lifetime. And yet, they too play a part In this grand play.


You will be allowing it. You won’t fit in to old paradigms you have already experienced. It can feel at first, as ‘No Man’s Land’, yet you will know your OWN UNIQUE way of your own expansion, that leads to your Role Change. At some ‘future’ point, some outside of you will become aware you are not doing or speaking as you did before; They may not see it AS a ROLE CHANGE as such, they may just see it that you have ‘changed’ a lot. Some may choose to move away from you, if they feel non resonance to your new STATE of BEING and FREQUENCY. You knew and know this will occur and are in the Eternal Peace within you with everyone’s choices. As you SEE, ALL as ONE WHOLE in your internal and eternal peace of Being. You see all the many layers of frequencies of all holographic creations, all at once, seeing the many games characters are playing, in many illusions, that are each based on amounts of LIGHT QUOTIENTS experienced by any facet. LIGHT QUOTIENTS equate to the AMOUNT of ENERGY any one facet can absorb. Sustained increases of LIGHT QUOTIENTS leads to expansion of Consciousness. Thus creates more ability to BE (hold, live as) more LIGHT. Seeing all is ONE LIGHT, disguised as many light facets at many light QUOTIENTS (consciousness states).

Each consciousness parallels the LIGHT QUOTIENT sustained. Which creates the experience within a myriad of FREQUENCY BASED / VIBRATIONAL bandwidths (dimensions). OR can expand as LIGHT QUOTIENT so vast, consciousness becomes an experience OUTSIDE of ALL Dimensions. So prior to, all and ANY of God/Source Creation. At one, of God…The One Union of character back to God/Source. Where in that state, retaining the human vessel, there is NO character. There is only God/Source from you, as you, outside of you. There is only God, experiencing everything, everyone, including a human body.


As you will all be aware, certain frequency bandwidth PARADIGMS have become seemingly louder, seemingly more chaotic. Many written posts and videos I did for you in the last 1.5 years explain this in more detail to you. That the intensity (Tribulations Timeline) would occur, be that at Mother Earth, country, government, group, family, or personal levels. Where chaos starts from any one individual not being in balance, harmony, peace within themselves. Expressed or shared outwardly it impacts others ENERGETIC FIELDS, be those ‘others’ within government, countries, peoples, families, partners, or you etc. Yet as the NOISE of lower frequency bandwidths is seemingly louder and more chaotic, so, quietly, peacefully, behind the scenes, at higher frequency levels, people, dotted all across the physical world are actually coming into higher frequencies of being. And some are now changing, gradually from within them, into a different role than their PREVIOUS character role. A role their Soul chose to give of, via the Role Changes that would and will occur at individual Divine Timings.


One tiny programme within a larger character programme, is that people can want the OUTSIDE to change instantly or quickly. Forgetting this whole life is about the experience that occurs gradually. It is the CHANGE that occurs WITHIN YOU, that changes your temporary ‘character’ into a higher frequency VERSION. It is by expanding yourself into and MAINTAINING higher and higher and higher energetic frequencies, that is ‘THE HOW’, of HOW you PERCEIVE EVERYTHING. And the holographic ‘movie screen’ that you then see, changes. It changes into light layers that were unseen, vibrations that were unknown, unheard, not felt. Light data that you once had no access to, or limited access to, OPENS. Knowledge comes from within you, not outside of you. In other words so so much is “HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT”. It was always there, only it was hidden, at lower frequencies of consciousness.


Don’t wait for anything to change outside of you. If you do, you will cycle within a cage you can not see or know you are choosing to stay locked within. You don’t have to be in it, be in the experience of suffering. No one has to. To be FREE outside of all ‘character’ programming and lower frequency paradigm PROGRAMMING, is to REALISE that FREEDOM from any paradigm, ALL holographic games (including ‘dimensions’), comes from WITHIN YOU. You have that innate power within you to experience that freedom. Everyone does. Freedom is NEVER within any programme, or any holographic illusion for that is an illusionary idea of what TRUE FREEDOM is. The physical illusion outside of you IS an enticement people give energy to, via human character attachments, conscious or UNconscious fears or desires, that pulls and allures the ‘character’ into staying IN the old paradigm (a constricted unseen cage). A life experience from inside a cage. And in these times, increased turmoil, chaos and suffering is being seen and experienced worldwide, of the CONTAINMENT (programme experienced within an illusionary cage). Set yourself free, from WITHIN you.

Hear this truth about EMBODIMENT:

That People will knowingly or unknowingly (innocently) always ENTICE anyone BACK INTO the illusions and programming. Yet those same people, will never set you FREE from it.

Rage, anger, pain, suffering, disagreement, debate, will not set ANY PEOPLES (God’s Children) FREE, but keep them BOUND in those lower frequencies, in a suffering illusional paradigm that is LOW in frequency and thus contains any being. Allow Peace, Love, Harmony, to come FROM WITHIN YOU FIRST. For no OUTER reason whatsoever for IT IS ALREADY accessible within you, to choose to simply BE. It is within anyone to choose, meet as frequency, and sustain. To expand into your next higher frequency (a step by a step process). Where many steps sustained, lead to different states of consciousness, being. It starts WITHIN, and then you be of that. And each be of that, One by One. Where each ARE gracefully ABLE, to express their LIGHT and their LOVE FOR ALL, in their unique WAY, without any FEAR arsing within Self, of judgement, ridicule or controlling natures observed, outside of themsleves.

To always choose to BE… LOVE. If not now, then when? For everything is temporary ‘here’. And so fleeting an experience of having a physical human body. Yet BEING the ‘STATE OF LOVE’ is one of three keys to becoming God realised, this lifetime. The only Eternal State that ever exists. To re-member, be and thus give of.

With Love to All,
20 October 2024

(PS…Please no personal messages for this current time period. I pray what I share today, is enough just for this now.

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - Time travellers and the many clocks of the system - 19.10.2024

OCTOBER 19 2024


Imagine that dimensions are like ports.
Now imagine yourself, the time traveler,
as the ship/vessel.
The time travelers are going from one port/dimension to another upon free will!
Upon the arrival at each port,
if chosen, the anchor will be released again.
This is connected to the personal torus field and the torus field of each dimension.
All this process that begins only upon free will,
has certain steps of very deep metamorphosis and self knowlegde.
There is a real destination in the overall system that is
given by the future self.
Those who still see earth as a ball floating in space
have great difficulty understanding their own system
because they have been misguided and cannot find correlation.
The human system is the same as the overall system of earth.
The opening of the Earth's c,./o..ro/n,a is a great and positive development that is also liberating the human c,./o..ro/n,a
and this will result to the true liberation of all of those who are ready to exit.
In today's session we will work with the many clocks of the system
diving deeper to the true nature of the Self and Earth.
True Awakening away from illusions and false paradigms
only begins now!
These are the times that all the time travelers
have been waiting for
as the true mechanics are being remembered and understood
and all false perceptions and programming,
are being overturned.
The Twin Flames now have entered a period of deep karmic rebalancing, liberation and correction
which includes their tests, battles and training for the greater power and many abilities that are here for them.
All the days up until Pluto's exit from Capricorn (Nov 19th)
are very important and offer life lessons on getting to know
the self and how to restore and handle power in new and upgraded ways.
This is very powerful!
Eyes on all the true goal!
''Eros invincible in battle''
Antigone, Sophocles
- We start our session in a few hours

Those that have the inner calling to join this work
can message me for the details of participation.

The next date for the 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery Adjustment and Upgrade is
On Thursday, November 7 2024
at 15:30 Athens time zone
*suitable for eastern locations
For participation please email me
at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
Blessings of karmic liberation!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
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