"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - letting go of the familiar & The harddrives, the memory banks of the old paradigm wiped clean - 06.10.2024

Every moment brings the releasing of the old, to make way for the and higher way of life.
It means letting go of the familiar, our comfort zones, that which we so often take for granted, and opening ourselves for new possibilities.
I have found that when all was stripped away from me, my psychic abilities as well as that of my soul, came to fore so powerfully, that I could always navigate the way through, even if on faith and trust alone.
My doctor friend just told me that according to Chinese astrology 2025, is the year of the serpent, and is going to challenge us to the core. Yet the serpent, also holds wisdom, and the kundalini energy, the new surge of life. 2026 Then anchors in the cosmic consciousness of the horse. So as much as chaos is imminent, through it all a deeper soul awakening, and rising consciousness.
It is in nature, in stillness, in the open heart and the growing communities of light, that we are assisted through this all, and the cosmic backup teams who are with us day and night.

Photo: All credit to the artist


When I was preparing for my webinar on the super quantum Divine energy templates, harddrive or whatever terminology you wish to use, now totally overriding the old ones, of the third and fourth dimension.
The harddrives, the memory banks of the old paradigm or timeline or whatever you wish to call has been wiped clean, smashed. 
We now have moved past free will and choice and now Divine Will and our will become as one!
In other words the Divine Will and Purpose of the New Earth and New Golden Age is being fulfilled perfectly as decreed. 
We have since two or so weeks been plugged into the new Divine creation, and now in the new.
It will seem as if you at times stand on shifting sands, as the old you still needs to adjust to being redundant and the new, and much higher dimensional you, now is busy integrating at all levels, and your true soul self emerges in its profundity!
As this happens the old world will be in her last death throws and try every single trick in the their books to reinstate the old harddrives, and cause more seeming chaos. 
Keep your energy fields clear. Refrain from getting caught in the dramas. Retreat in your own inner sacred temple and anchor in a sacred temple in and around your home. 
From that sacred space concentrate and keep disciplined and focussed on your visions, your unique abilities, to lovingly serve from the heart and soul, and with great love, in the highest and best ways for the highest good of all.
All you need, is already within you. 

"I KNOW who I AM, in truth.
 I KNOW what I AM, in truth.
 I KNOW how to serve in truth.
 I AM THAT, I AM"     

 (the latter with acknowledgement to Paul Selig)
Judith Kusel 

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