"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - We're entering a very strong period of energy cosmically and astrologically - 08.10.2024

We're entering a very strong period of energy cosmically and astrologically. The Solar Flares keep on coming, with 3 X-class flares already this month, and Solar Cycle 25 twice as strong as expected so far. Comet Atlas is heading for its closest point to Earth in the next few days, and Comets can bring new information, boost our spiritual awakening but also initiate big periods of change globally.

Tomorrow Jupiter moves stationary retrograde at 21°20' Gemini, just 2' from an exact conjunction with US Mars. As Jupiter is the planet of expansion, this can expand the aggressive potential of the US. Please stay in peace, calm and stillness to dissipate this possibility, the collective energy absolutely affects how the planetary energy manifests.

Jupiter is also conjunct the dwarf planet Altjira and one of the themes here is a shedding of old social programming as we become aware of more facts and information that change our belief systems (Jupiter retrograde, rethinking our beliefs and social programming). I think it is clear how that is beginning to happen on a bigger scale.

We are well within Pluto's station direct on October 12th at 29° Capricorn, the last time it will be in this sign in our lifetime as it now starts to move forward and exit Capricorn on November 19th. With this change in direction and only a few short weeks to go until Pluto enters Aquarius, I believe we will start to feel more rebellious and revolutionary energy (Aquarius) from people globally. Aquarius is the sign of freedom, human rights, civil rights, equality, and humanitarianism. So I would ask everyone to always act peaceful as anger begets more anger, but most certainly grassroots-based solutions are already emerging quietly in communities (Aquarius).

This theme of rebellion is reinforced by the Moon at the Full SuperMoon on the 17th being exactly by degree conjunct Eris, warrior sister of Mars, who demands that every voice is heard, truth and justice. This is a very powerful SuperMoon which includes a Cardinal Grand Cross involving the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto. That is about as strong as it gets in terms of willpower, focus, and it can be very assertive. This is wonderful for initiating new projects personally, but may create more explosive energy in the collective.

So in these coming days please do more work to stay calm, peaceful, and book even more stillness meetings with yourself. Ask for benevolent help in the form of your guides and angels to release and heal the trauma in the land and the people who currently are caught up in extreme weather situations. See these being soothed and calmed, with the bright light high frequency loving light shone upon them all.

We are entering another episode of extremely strong energy in the coming months, so stay centred, strong and as far as possible keep life simple. Operate from the inside out not the outside in, otherwise you will become very scattered. Keep 'welcoming in an expanded consciousness of love'.
Many blessings to you all.

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