"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Transitional period of role changes - 20.10.2024


Since late September 2024, we have been in and are STILL IN, a gradual TRANSITION of Roles. Several times over the last 1.5 years, I’ve explained that this would occur at some point. That point began 4 weeks ago at Equinox, and continues. In this Paradigm that is experienced with a body, in an illusion of ‘Time’ and ‘Space’ it IS taking GRADUAL ‘time’ for ‘Roles’ to change into PRE-Destined Roles, chosen prior to this incarnation. Please understand, role changes WITHIN ANYONE DO take time to change over. The letting go of all that you have been, for all you are, and are to BE.

It is not occurring to everyone at this time, yet is occurring. Some of Clair sentience will FEEL and know that some are now in the midst of ‘Role Change’. Yet many aren’t at the moment, able to see, or know of others role changes. In a vast playing field, some characters are still expanding energetically and vibrationally in other beautiful ways on their path. Whilst others in the world chose at soul level prior to incarnation, to not expand vibrationally this lifetime. And yet, they too play a part In this grand play.


You will be allowing it. You won’t fit in to old paradigms you have already experienced. It can feel at first, as ‘No Man’s Land’, yet you will know your OWN UNIQUE way of your own expansion, that leads to your Role Change. At some ‘future’ point, some outside of you will become aware you are not doing or speaking as you did before; They may not see it AS a ROLE CHANGE as such, they may just see it that you have ‘changed’ a lot. Some may choose to move away from you, if they feel non resonance to your new STATE of BEING and FREQUENCY. You knew and know this will occur and are in the Eternal Peace within you with everyone’s choices. As you SEE, ALL as ONE WHOLE in your internal and eternal peace of Being. You see all the many layers of frequencies of all holographic creations, all at once, seeing the many games characters are playing, in many illusions, that are each based on amounts of LIGHT QUOTIENTS experienced by any facet. LIGHT QUOTIENTS equate to the AMOUNT of ENERGY any one facet can absorb. Sustained increases of LIGHT QUOTIENTS leads to expansion of Consciousness. Thus creates more ability to BE (hold, live as) more LIGHT. Seeing all is ONE LIGHT, disguised as many light facets at many light QUOTIENTS (consciousness states).

Each consciousness parallels the LIGHT QUOTIENT sustained. Which creates the experience within a myriad of FREQUENCY BASED / VIBRATIONAL bandwidths (dimensions). OR can expand as LIGHT QUOTIENT so vast, consciousness becomes an experience OUTSIDE of ALL Dimensions. So prior to, all and ANY of God/Source Creation. At one, of God…The One Union of character back to God/Source. Where in that state, retaining the human vessel, there is NO character. There is only God/Source from you, as you, outside of you. There is only God, experiencing everything, everyone, including a human body.


As you will all be aware, certain frequency bandwidth PARADIGMS have become seemingly louder, seemingly more chaotic. Many written posts and videos I did for you in the last 1.5 years explain this in more detail to you. That the intensity (Tribulations Timeline) would occur, be that at Mother Earth, country, government, group, family, or personal levels. Where chaos starts from any one individual not being in balance, harmony, peace within themselves. Expressed or shared outwardly it impacts others ENERGETIC FIELDS, be those ‘others’ within government, countries, peoples, families, partners, or you etc. Yet as the NOISE of lower frequency bandwidths is seemingly louder and more chaotic, so, quietly, peacefully, behind the scenes, at higher frequency levels, people, dotted all across the physical world are actually coming into higher frequencies of being. And some are now changing, gradually from within them, into a different role than their PREVIOUS character role. A role their Soul chose to give of, via the Role Changes that would and will occur at individual Divine Timings.


One tiny programme within a larger character programme, is that people can want the OUTSIDE to change instantly or quickly. Forgetting this whole life is about the experience that occurs gradually. It is the CHANGE that occurs WITHIN YOU, that changes your temporary ‘character’ into a higher frequency VERSION. It is by expanding yourself into and MAINTAINING higher and higher and higher energetic frequencies, that is ‘THE HOW’, of HOW you PERCEIVE EVERYTHING. And the holographic ‘movie screen’ that you then see, changes. It changes into light layers that were unseen, vibrations that were unknown, unheard, not felt. Light data that you once had no access to, or limited access to, OPENS. Knowledge comes from within you, not outside of you. In other words so so much is “HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT”. It was always there, only it was hidden, at lower frequencies of consciousness.


Don’t wait for anything to change outside of you. If you do, you will cycle within a cage you can not see or know you are choosing to stay locked within. You don’t have to be in it, be in the experience of suffering. No one has to. To be FREE outside of all ‘character’ programming and lower frequency paradigm PROGRAMMING, is to REALISE that FREEDOM from any paradigm, ALL holographic games (including ‘dimensions’), comes from WITHIN YOU. You have that innate power within you to experience that freedom. Everyone does. Freedom is NEVER within any programme, or any holographic illusion for that is an illusionary idea of what TRUE FREEDOM is. The physical illusion outside of you IS an enticement people give energy to, via human character attachments, conscious or UNconscious fears or desires, that pulls and allures the ‘character’ into staying IN the old paradigm (a constricted unseen cage). A life experience from inside a cage. And in these times, increased turmoil, chaos and suffering is being seen and experienced worldwide, of the CONTAINMENT (programme experienced within an illusionary cage). Set yourself free, from WITHIN you.

Hear this truth about EMBODIMENT:

That People will knowingly or unknowingly (innocently) always ENTICE anyone BACK INTO the illusions and programming. Yet those same people, will never set you FREE from it.

Rage, anger, pain, suffering, disagreement, debate, will not set ANY PEOPLES (God’s Children) FREE, but keep them BOUND in those lower frequencies, in a suffering illusional paradigm that is LOW in frequency and thus contains any being. Allow Peace, Love, Harmony, to come FROM WITHIN YOU FIRST. For no OUTER reason whatsoever for IT IS ALREADY accessible within you, to choose to simply BE. It is within anyone to choose, meet as frequency, and sustain. To expand into your next higher frequency (a step by a step process). Where many steps sustained, lead to different states of consciousness, being. It starts WITHIN, and then you be of that. And each be of that, One by One. Where each ARE gracefully ABLE, to express their LIGHT and their LOVE FOR ALL, in their unique WAY, without any FEAR arsing within Self, of judgement, ridicule or controlling natures observed, outside of themsleves.

To always choose to BE… LOVE. If not now, then when? For everything is temporary ‘here’. And so fleeting an experience of having a physical human body. Yet BEING the ‘STATE OF LOVE’ is one of three keys to becoming God realised, this lifetime. The only Eternal State that ever exists. To re-member, be and thus give of.

With Love to All,
20 October 2024

(PS…Please no personal messages for this current time period. I pray what I share today, is enough just for this now.

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