"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Big shifts stiring within the collective - 11.10.2024

Solar Winds at a very extreme high! If you're feeling the need to immediately fall asleep that's probably the effects of Solar Winds arriving at present.

As we have entered this later phase of 2024 the energies have really switch into higher gear.
Which at times has felt like a huge dense wave of grief, sadness, loss, identity crisis, feeling lost and confused.

Absolutely all the events unfolding especially here in the Hurricane effected areas would certainly add to these feelings for those "Earth Empaths" who work directly with Mother Earth's energies and feel the impact very deeply when a tragedy on massive proportion takes place.

I was reminded that for me it has been very similar to 9/11, where I went into a trance like state for days/weeks. All I wanted to do was sleep, and each time I closed my eyes, I was taken into an in-between state of supporting soul's transition.

At this this past week/s has felt very similar. Only this time, I've been spending most of the dream space in New Earth helping people navigate their way accross.
As I write this now, it's actually no different just to 2001, just a different transtional space.
As I had mentioned in previously feeling very tapped out while in awaken state, almost unbearable feeling everything which has been completely overwhelming.
Only to sleep and feel like there are greater aspects of myself working on a much more important mission.

There is such a deep level of integration happening with the finer layers of the energy bodies as it moves into the physical body. Which can give the feeling of whole body aches and pressure like your body is being put into a vice.

A subtle shift move through today, feeling the heaviness starting to break down & dissolve.
I'm not fully there, but I certainly feel a much nicer place and some relief since this process began a few weeks ago.

The image that keeps coming through is a threshold being pushed through by many layers all at once. Those who have been feeling similar

The heaviness is also due to another round of mass awakening of those who are hitting their dark night for the very first time. Which creates a very quick and rapid breakthrough.
The next few months will be very critical in holding the light steady for ourselves and the Ascension process for humanity

I'm now back in session full swing, so if you need additional support:


~ PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS ~ Here is the list of the most common symptoms during the influx of solar winds and how you can assist yourself

Heightened Emotions
Anxiety & stress (no particular reason)
Heightened mental patterns ~ looping negitive thoughts ( 3D/Monkey Mind)
Sleepy ~ need to rest or nap
Broken sleep & intense dreams
Dizziness or vertigo
Heightened Intuitive Sensations
Triggers are coming up for release

Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms:

Drink plenty of water
Plenty of Rest
clear your energy ~ If you need additional support, free audios:
Eat grounding goods; such as potatoes, nuts, etc. (Veggies that are grown underground)
Connect with nature
Be gentle with yourself and others
Respond vs. React
If/when triggers arise, observe them ~ be conscious that it's an opportunity for release & transform ~ you are releasing what no longer serves you

Sending so much cosmic love Alisha Brache

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