"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - powerful healing passage triggered by the Moon in Aries - 19.10.2024

Beloved Ones,

We are moving into a powerful healing passage triggered by the Moon in Aries, in alignment with the Healer Chiron and the Aurora transmissions that we are embracing again. A time for us to heal, and honor the Divine Feminine within us. The aspect of us that connects from within with All That Is and has ever been, reconnecting us to the love, wisdom, and power that we all carry within and that is often hidden or ignored, following outer sources.

It is now time for us to reconnect to our female essence, allowing it to guide us to our new destination, for She knows the detours we need to take to be where will be for our highest good and that of All.

This passage is ruled by Scorpion energies, inviting us to move inward, as the only way to clear all that is keeping us from embodying higher levels of consciousness. Scorpio is a sign that is precisely about the descension of more love, wisdom, and power, something we can only achieve through stillness, clearing, and conscious integration.

This passage is an important one that introduces us to the energies of 2025, a year of conclusion, and beginnings, and a year that introduces many of you to the next level in your ascension journey: physical emancipation, something we all are working with, as we continue crossing the veils of illusions.

This time is one of deep introspection and liberation. My Guides remark on the importance of working on the embodiment of the female principle at this time, which reminds us that all is within and that all we wish to create, remember, or expand comes from this inner Divine Space.

As you reclaim the female within you, you too reclaim your wisdom, activating your mission as a Divine Feminine Wisdom Keeper, for many of you are here on a mission to retrieve the ancient wisdom of the feminine.

Many of you are descendants of the Aquamarine races coming from the Andromeda portal through Sirius B. Your assistance is key to helping seed the Female Codes now descending upon Earth plane, a mission supported by the auroras and scorpion energies, at a more physical level.

Scorpion frequencies will also assist us in clearing false timelines, programs, and especially our brain complex, from implants, and inserts, especially in the thalamus, and pineal gland, which connect to our thymus and Higher Heart.

Scorpion energies will facilitate this inner work, clearing our eight monadic chakras of false connections, especially false twin flames cords, which we create out of our romanticization of what an authentic twin reunion is, and the magic influences that many use to create energetic and psychic cords to keep us enslaved, energetically, mentally and emotionally, which occurs when we consciously and unconsciously give our power away to fear, and then to others who take advantage of us.

This is a time of great distillation, and stillness, as we adapt, as this Water sign does, to all the changes we are still embodying from the many planetary events, and above all, our God Self transmissions, and continue recalibrating and adapting ourselves to this new energy influx.

With Scorpio and the current Aurora transmissions, we are invited to restore the female, by moving inward and reconnecting with our God Source, without intermediaries, without outer false sources, and without anything that can diminish our power and inner guidance.

The process of Consciousness integration is achieved through the removal of all that no longer serves us, as this is how we allow a Higher Intelligence to manifest through us.

It is only then that all we wish to create, love, abundance, and expansion can occur in our physical reality, for we no longer are attached to false energies and sources that create for us.
During these last months of the year, it is time for us to clear separation, and the soul isolation that comes when we are fragmented from our soul, as we are moving towards an important year for us to conclude cycles, and start moving into physical emancipation, which can only be accomplished when we first let go of who we used to be, and embrace who we are now.

Our personal task at this time is to continue achieving energetic and spiritual sovereignty, being the only ones governing our bodies, minds, hearts, and lives.
May you continue living within Divine Love, Wisdom, and Power, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art: Pinterest

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