"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A girl in the Universe - X9.05 Solar Flare - 03.10.2024

Divine Ones, we have been on the path for a very long time. Some of us didn't even realize we'd been on this mission since birth. Now, though you understand that and so much more.
Our teams are here with us and around us, holding and supporting us as we walk through this auspicious time.

The place we are in today is so different than where we were even yesterday. We are but a breath away from the light entering into our reality and changing it all.
We are seeing it and feeling it all around us. The energies coming in are lifting it all higher and higher.

It is not by chance that we received another large X Flare today. At 12:08 UTC today, an X9.05 Solar Flare released off the sun. It is not known yet if a CME was released off the sun with it, but we should know more soon.

These CMES the Ascension Teams have been sharing they are for the Earth. They will help push her terraforming into a higher state of being. It's much like how you are transforming into a higher version of you right now!

This is the time of the light. The time of the Golden Living light. Our planet and each ascending being is wrapped within this beautiful golden energy, ready for their awakening. Ready to remember. Ready to move forward into the next step of the Starseeds journey.

You amazing ones, are living proof that there is no task too big, no mission too difficult. You are the Light within a human body, and your journey is almost completed. All that's left to do now is to bring the Ascending Humans home and release the Non Ascending to their new world.

Are you ready for that change? Then, set that intention and call it in. Tell your team you are ready. Because they will be asking you today, nudging you to share if you're truly prepared.
Because once it begins, we all go. No one is left behind. All living things have a set destination forward!

The Gold that will bring us to our Love Wave final activation is here. The Golden Slumber is upon us. Call it in Divine Ones. Let's take everyone to their new homes.
Breathe in the Love, the light, and the amazement around you today. Everything will change in a breath, a heartbeat, a blink of an eye. It truly will be that quick. But it all starts with a rumble. Listen, dear ones, listen.

All my love,
-SA Smith

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