"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - final releasing - 15.10.2024

We are living in an unprecedented moment on earth, which will never repeat itself again, in such a momentous way and form.
Perhaps few of us realize the blessing of this ascension process, for it has never happened before on such a momentous scale.

I was called in for a meeting with the Intergalactic Counsels last night, and the whole Universe is here, supporting us and way beyond this. All the Ascended Masters who are here in their droves, all have had lifetime on earth, and they are truly adding their light and love in every way and form they can. And all the heavenly hosts.

Yes, we have made it to the next level and this is the final releasing which now is coming. Therefore it goes right into the very CORE of whatever was before and is now.
We are in for immensely rapid changes and even more of the churning up of all which needs to be finally released from the Old, on collective levels, this means countries, and nations as well. Every country has its own lessons to master, and every nation too. When you move to a different country, you take on that countries' baggage too. The good news is that the baggage will now reveal is dark inner core and will need to be forgiven and healed too, and this means released.

In South Africa we went through this process in 1994, and even before that. Now more and more countries will go through the same process. And no area if more highlighted, than the Middle East, for this goes back millions of earth years ago as I am always shown and share during seminars in Greece and Egypt in 2019, to the Lion Kingdom, when the twin sons of Isis (yes she goes much further in history than we have made to believe) warred against each other. The younger rebelling against the older. Much later this became the story of Kain and Abel, and Isaac and his step brother Ismail.
The same old story, and the same old role players.
The war between the twin brothers, created the Sahara desert and also the Middle Eastern desert.

It is time to finally lay those ghosts to rest, forever.
And let us look into our own skeleton cupboards for within our own families and countries there is much to forgive, and to release and to finally let go of.
What you see in others, is there within you too!
We cannot take any baggage with us, into the New Earth.
Who wants to anyway?
Everything is now going to happen super fast and even super super fast.
The answer is always love.


I ask for forgiveness for anyone I have ever hurt or harmed,
Consciously or unconsciously
In this life or any other.
In every plane, level or dimension known or unknown.
I ask for Grace.
I forgive myself for anything I have ever done to hurt or harm myself and another, consciously or unconsciously
In this life or any other
In this universe or any other.
In every plane, level or dimension known or unknown.
I accept Grace.
I am free.
All chains and restrictions fall from me.
I stand in my power as a master.
(Say this out loud 3 x. )

(I often do it every single day, so that all which is still buried deeply within my subconscious and my soul memory banks, will be released too. The more you do this, the lighter and brighter you will become. )

(The latter with acknowledgement to Diana Cooper's School of Angels and Ascension of whom I am a trained teacher)

Judith Kusel

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