"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Electric currents are flowing through the ground - 11.10.2024

ELECTRIC CURRENTS are FLOWING THROUGH the GROUND! Electrical currents are flowing through rocks and soil in response to this current geomagnetic storm. We have had significantly high magnetic storms since October 7, with very little break until the moment I posted this on October 11, and they are still ongoing. We have had at least 3X-class solar flares in the last five days and another epic hurricane. Mother Earth is feeling this time as well. (More on storms here … https://spaceweather.com)

I’ve been watching solar activity for decades, and even I am blown away and have little to compare this week to. At the risk of sounding like a skipping record, humanity is on a whole new playing field now. No matter what level of awakening you are in, I see everyone feeling this time. Remember, everyone wakes up exactly when their soul blueprint has encoded them to do so. You cannot push your cosmic time clock. I know a lot of you have tried.

I am at a loss to share about this time, so I will do it the only way I know how: feeling through the frequencies in sacred sites. On 10.10.24, in the middle of all this solar activity, I was called to go up north to high country with a couple of dear friends visiting here. We visited a sacred site called Lomaki Box Canyon Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument. Lomaki means "Beautiful House" in the Hopi language, which is beautiful but also very sacred. This triple complex is connected to the stars and has a deep ancestral and cosmic presence.

But today, the energy was so strong that it made us physically dizzy and a bit nauseous. I know this site really well. It is always deep, powerful, and filled with spirit, but it was beyond anything I have felt here. I literally had to sit down on the earth and ground myself, or the powerful earth energy would take that choice away from me. We felt we had been deeply cleared out and filled back up during our time there.

I’ve only experienced this energy level a few times in my years working with sacred sites. (The Isis Temple in Aswan, Egypt, Roslyn Chapel in Scotland, and Panther Meadows in Mount Shasta.) This kind of energy will literally shake you to the core in ways you can’t possibly understand at the moment you are receiving them. It stretches us, wakes us up, clears us out, and opens us up to new frequencies we will need to learn about and integrate. This is the kind of strong energy can literally and tangibly “””shake””” us awake. Just ask our last group to Egypt about our experience in the Isis Temple! Whew! You can’t make this stuff up. We are beginning to anchor the visions we have been holding in our hearts, and new foundations are beginning to appear in the physical world. This is so that amazing! This time is shaking reality up in a big way.

We had some faint aurora borealis in a lovely pink-purple hue when I returned home in the evening. Nature's absolute power and beauty continually blow me away.

We could be experiencing many symptoms during this time, so I won’t re-list them here as they have been in previous posts here 

Simple things you can do to balance yourself are … Stay hydrated, get out in nature, breathe deeply, nap, and eat grounding foods; those are things that grow under the Earth. Spend your sacred God-given energy on LOVE, not fear. Expect the unexpected, learn to flow with the strong currents, and quit beating yourself up for not being perfect. All these will make life easier as we shift into even higher frequencies that I can see are going to come quickly.

YOU, dear one, are so urgently needed now. Yes, YOU! Now more than ever, the most important thing we can do is not get distracted by all the nonsense in the world … anything less than love, and stay focused on our divine purpose here on earth.
Sharing this post freely with gratitude, but Donations are always appreciated. Thank you.

Pilgrimage to England and Cornwall's Most Holy
Sacred Sites, Ancient Portals and Powerful Ley Lines.

Anchoring Golden Pillars of Light. Flowing Peace and Balance into the Michael and Mary Ley Lines
- With Aluna Joy and Marcus Mason
July 15th - 29th 2025

Earth workers, Earth Oracles, and Intuitives can see that Earth's energy had risen up anew. The Ley Lines of Earth have measurably widened and strengthened and are continuing to do so. We can feel the pulse of the Heavens and Earth when we walk the sacred path on Earth's powerful Ley Lines. We can feel the upliftment within our bodies and our consciousness. It changes us forever. We are drawn to give back in this symbolic relationship between earth, heaven, and humankind. We are servers to the Earth and Sky. We are servers of the LIGHT. (YOU are also a server of Light.)

On this pilgrimage to England and Cornwall's sacred lands, we will follow the Archangel Michael and Mary Ley Lines and work with the Sacred Sites and Ancient Portals. We will assimilate the new elevating Earth frequencies. They will heal, restore balance, and upload new codes of nature and the new human blueprint. These holy lands can anchor us to our new sacred path and lives and reawaken a new passion for our work and service to Earth.

Exploring these Sacred Sites:

A private sunrise ceremony in Stonehenge and a private visit to Chalice Well. Also Glastonbury Abbey, Avebury Stone Circle, Wayland Smithy, Dragon Hill, Uffington White Horse, Village of Glastonbury, The Glastonbury (St Michael's) Tor, St. John's Baptist Church, Stanton Drew, Cadbury Castle, Archangel Michael's Chapel of Brentor, An English Tea Garden and Crystal Barn, Fairy filled St. Nectan's Glen, The Hurlers Stone Circle, Rocky Valley Labyrinth, King Arthur's Tintagel, Magical Merlin's Cave, The White Quartz Stone Circle of Duloe, St. Michael's Mount, Men-An-Tol, Boscowan-Un, Merrivale, Old Sarum and the famous Salisbury Cathedral.

If you are feeling the call in response to this invitation, your participation is crucial. You are not just a participant; you are a vital player. Your unique and important role is integral to the success of our collective ascension. We have historically had the most amazing loving groups. We hope that you will join us and offer your valuable, unique energy with great love and dedication.

We are about 50% booked already so please do not hesitate to join us if you feel called.

For your enjoyment and further study in cycles of time and how they shape our lives, we offer an instant download of the current Mayan Calendar (PS… we will be entering the powerful CORE DAYS in November!) Also we offer Mayan Birthdate Conversion Tables in two calendar calendar counts, with enough text to give mini readings!

Aurora borealis photograph by Charles Rusher - Sedona Arizona

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