"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

Welcome to October! What a trip! This week went by very quickly, as if time sped up. There are days when we do a lot of things, yet the time hardly passes, as if it were walking on leaden legs, and there are days even though we hardly do anything, by the time we realize the day is already over. Time is not constant, even if we measure it by the clock and we have to trust our sense of time - it speeds up, slows down and stops.

Solar Eclipse energies almost exploded at the door of the month of October, producing first an X7 solar flare, and then yesterday a huge X9 solar flare. It is likely that the energies of the first X solar flare will avoid Earth, but the X9 is expected to arrive by the weekend. Of course, those who are sensitive to it have already felt the sun flares. The interesting thing is that there are articles about solar flares in the mainstream media, which has not really been typical until now, but the good news is that it is getting more and more into the field of vision and awareness of the average person, that solar flares affect the physical/mental/emotional body and our Earth, as well as a prelude to something much bigger. Of course, there are also doom and gloom articles, but it's better to be prepared than to suddenly shock the average person - Carrington event.

Unfortunately, last week Hurricane Helena caused massive destruction on the United States Florida's Gulf coast. The storm caused deadly flooding as it dumped almost unprecedented amounts of rain through Georgia and the Carolinas, to Tennessee, Virginia and Kentucky. So far, there have been more than 200 deaths from this hurricane, and hundreds of people have missing and even more people have lost their homes. There is still no electricity in the affected areas. According to some reports, in the most severe locations, people do not have clean water and food, and looting is taking place.

Worst of all, it was probably an artificially generated and controlled Hurricane. Unfortunately, in many cases we have seen from the elite that they launched an attack disguised as a natural disaster against people and their homes in order to intimidate, maintain control, money laundering and seize certain areas. For example, I found a couple of articles that there are two facilities in North Carolina that manufacture the high-purity quartz. The question is, whose interest is this and what effect will it have later on.

There are usually much more voluminous things in the background. The news is about quartz, but what if there are many more things out there that need the global elite - BlackRock etc e.g. lithium? Remember that the "government" is still pushing global warming propaganda and they "offered" electric cars, sales of which have stalled greatly. +1 reason about politics.

They create a problem (Covid -  just one example about the many), then suddenly provide a solution to it (vaccine), and they put people in strategically important positions so that the plan can be successfully implemented and, of course, the companies involved in the processes generate a lot of profit. It's all about power, control and money. Although many people hope and look to the "politicians" and "organizations" to "save" them, in fact the these people is not interested in the average person. They look at us like farmers look at their farm animals, like parasites look at the host's body - simple exploitation - nothing more - nothing less. I'm not saying that all people who are close to and at the top of power are like this, but you also need to know that if someone "really wants to help and able to", they will be disabled, discredited, and in the worst case, killed. If you don't dance as they whistle, they blackmail you, force you to do things you don't want. Everyone fears for their lives and their loved ones - this is a natural life instincts and we have programmed by Fight-or-flight.

Have you ever wondered why our laws exist and who and what they protect? I had time to think about this when I sat at the obligatory mass in Catholic elementary school. In fact, the laws are only for us little people to keep us under control, and are actually for them and for their interests to protect. They taught us, for example, the 10 commandments to live by, while they stood above them, as if they did not apply to them. An example - don't kill, but millions were killed in the name of God in the crusades, which hunt, they converted people to Christianity by any means and violence. Do not fornicate - yet how many cases are there in history and to this day of priests fornicating with young people from the flock. Don´t steal and don´t lie...but they do it every single day since centuries...any question? The law punishes us if we steal something or kill someone, yet if someone is a man of power, they are above these laws, since we have never seen justice in such cases. If we did see them, they were either a charade or simply expendable people whom the elite got rid of.

I believe that if someone among the powerful wants to keep some law or idea, they should be an example. How can we respect someone if they only preaches and in the background does something completely different and serves other interests. It's like someone who proclaims celibacy, gathers followers, in front of the camera and public life but when nobody sees getting physical intimacy with people every day. 

The other unfortunate event is the re-explosion of conflicts in the Middle East. This is a fire pit whose embers catch fire again and again - somehow a never-ending story, which of course is paid for by the residents of these countries. Right now, the Elite that are using whatever means they can to distract our attention and cause more and more chaos to keep us on the timeline they want. Kerry K also posted a new video on this matter. The fight for the optimal timeline has been going on for a long time, which is perhaps why it has inspired many recent series and movies, e.g. Avengers: Endgame, Loki series and the Umbrella Academy series which is recommended by Jason Estes if we want to understand what´s going on.

I started watching the Umbrella Academy series, the main story of which is how to prevent the apocalypse (and another one and timeline reset) by fighting against many obstacles, but thereby creating a new timeline. There is the Mandela effect, and the fact that many people noticed that something was wrong with the timeline. There is an agency who monitor the timelines...I know it´s real that an organization somehow overwatch our realities timelines and eradicate - reset - our memory and try to guide us to choose our optimal timeline to a certain degree because this all "game" or "test" is a huge project and not just we are involved but the galactic and probably this whole free will universe.

How much things can go wrong in a free will universe - perhaps this is the essence of this experiment, to freely choose where we go, what we want do, how we want to do. We managed to sink into the darkness, the total forgetfulness, into deep illusion and the essence of the experiment is whether we are able to rise from there. Are we able to remember who we are and come together in competition with so many traumatic and pulling forces... in a human body... to find ourselves and to walk the paths of love again together... to lead each other home.

Currently, 2 or even more timelines have merged, which creates this chaos in our reality, but the question is what humanity consciousness chooses as the reality of the present. I feel that a series of tests awaits us to see if we have learned from our previous mistakes and if we are able to rise above the events of the past and how long we want to live under the influence of the mind and the matrix. The energies are becoming more and more powerful, the solar activity will also increase, we are surrounded by chaos on the physical plane, somehow we are heading towards a huge crescendo. Happening everything in all in once in every level. Events escalate as two opposing forces clash. This is a tunnel - or birth canal - through which we move and we can only rely on our imagination, our faith, our vision and our heart, what awaits us at the end of the tunnel, because we can go up as well as down.

In the series, there is a very good advice that Lila gives to Ellison (time travel/timelines) because she lost everything that was dear to her. "Things Are Still Real. They're Just Moving By So Fast, You Get Dizzy With The Changes. It's Like Figure Skaters... You Gotta Pick A Focus Point. Something To Hold On To, No Matter What Changes Around You."

Put your focus on something - I think it's most optimal if on ourselves - our still points - our heart base - so that if there are any changes in our environment, loved ones, timelines, world, and even lose everything, we don't get completely lost, devastated and face falling.

The 3rd season of this series gave me the idea for the closing music of my post. This scene was phenomenal - I loved it - and I wondered what it would be like if, avoiding our worldly conflicts, we resolved the war purely with a dance duel. How funny would the presidential debate between Trump and Kamala, between Trump and Biden, or the Israel-Iraq-Iran conflict be, as they would dance their disagreements to different dance choreographies while twirling on the dance floor. Maybe it happens like this in another timeline...or in our dreams, where there is finally world peace. Focus - world peace!

I am putting this scene from the series here - but those who have seen the series and know the characters will really like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2lpV4uopr4

"You're playing so cool
Obeying every rule
Deep way down in your heart
You're burning, yearning for some
Somebody to tell you
That life ain't passing you by
I'm trying to tell you
It will if you don't even try
You'll get by if you'd only
Cut loose

I wish for everyone a great and peaceful weekend and next week :) 
Stay safe & Be You & Find everyday happiness - every little things is count :)

1 comment:

  1. contrary to popular belief, "legal" and "lawful" are actually very different things. it may be of interest to note that in the *1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopaedia Britannica* it defines the word "legal" as meaning: "THE UNDOING OF GOD’S LAW."
    here is a short video that goes into further detail, if it so is of interest..

    perhaps what we can take from this, is yet again, so much.. if not everything.. has been turned inside out, backwards, inverted etc to be used against us through deception, fraud, evil and lies etc etc.

    anyhoo, I wish you and yours a nice weekend Andy, and gratitude for the weekly update and as always, the food for thought. 🙂🙏
