"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - We´re in a very changed time & Consciusness accelerates & Soul Speak - 03.10.2024

We're in a very changed time. And what that will do for us is it will cause us to evaluate things, to look at how we want to be different in the future, look at how we want to be different in our lives and in ourselves in the now. And so we're about to go into that deeper phase, we're just entering into the deeper territory. So for any of you who think, "Oh no, I can't take anymore," don't worry, it doesn't mean that what you've been going through is actually just going to accelerate. Quite the opposite, it means that whatever those reactions have been so far, you're about to get underneath them.
And that can be different for different folks. For some of us that can be very uncomfortable, but for those of you who have been through a lot of discomfort in the last six, seven weeks, there's only so long that we can thrash around in those emotions. There comes a point when we have to drop in, and so what you're going to find is you're going to start to have a new way of seeing what you're going through right now. But even more importantly than what you're going through right now, a way of seeing who you want to become in the future. And this is collective too.
-Lee Harris


We will remind you that all of you who signed up for this time on Earth, you chose as a soul to incarnate in this time on Earth. You are still going through experiences that your soul needs to go through, even if your human mind or human belief about what is actually happening on this planet right now, is screaming at you that everything is wrong. We will tell you, and we have said this before, that where your planet is and where your people are right now is far better than it could have been in decades past had the timeline of consciousness not been altered. What we mean by this, is as more and more people came to their hearts, to their levels of feeling, to a certain sense of peace inside themselves that is new on the planet, you started to see an acceleration of consciousness, which altered the timelines on your planet as to what would play out for you as a humanity.
-Lee Guides the Z's


'Soul Speak’ is going to be on the rise in the next month or two. So, your soul, your guides, Spirit are all going to be wanting to connect and talk to you a little more right now.
If in doubt, just listen, make some notes, sit back, check them again a week later. Some of you will notice your nervous systems get very activated if you get those messages and you want to immediately act or immediately jump. And it would be really good for you to practice patience and work with your nervous system at that point. Sit and breathe, meditate, do whatever it is that you have learned soothes and calms your body. Because these high doses of soul energy and visionary and intuitive messages can really shift you.
-Lee Harris

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