"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Geomagnetic storm in progress - 11.10.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,
Just a quick update!
October hasn't disappointed we've had such a huge influx of solar flares that keep coming each day!
Currently now we are in the mix of a G3 Geomagnetic Storm, which arrived a few hours ago!
The KP Index measures at 8, which will bring about Arouras
These energies can be felt in the lead up!
Yesterday, on 10/10, I certainly felt out of it, tired lethargic, lots of energy moving through.
Still lots of deep processing occurring within the dream space
Now, it feels things are shifting once again, on opening as we move past 10/10
Things are opening up & more expansive! Higher Dimensional dreams & downloads might start to come forth.
This sure is the month to clear out the heart space of anything that has been blocked so that you can attune to new frequencies coming through.
Thank you to everyone who joined last night's Soul Journey for the Masculine - Feminine Balance. 
You can still purchase the replay via the link below:

Great work for everyone who put their intentions towards minimising the damage for the hurricane
Just goes to show what collective intentions can do for intervention
I'm considering opening up a Zoom call forum for
people to connect with all things Ascension related as I understand that it can be a lonely journey for many, if you would be interested in joining, please comment & let me know where you're located so I can gauge the best timezone.

Sending much love
Alisha Braché

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