"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - Twin Flames - Eros invincible in battle - 08.10.2024

OCTOBER 8 2024

Today is another special day of exorcism and blessed correction for both Yin and Yang and the continuation of the great eclipse on the 2nd of October that purged many fallen energies that had been affecting the relationship between the feminine and the masculine.
Please note also that the liberation from the mind demons is an ongoing one
which will last for the next few months.
It will be coming in in waves and reaching parts of the population that will be ready to be free from them.
'The word "exorcism" means "to make someone swear" and mainly refers to the exorcist forcing a spirit to obey some higher power and exit one's body or field.
A prerequisite for a Soul to be in the 3d was
to contract different spirits and be a vessel for their energies,
the same was taking place for nature too.
As the Earth has been ascending,
these contracts have been changing very fast during the last years and this is still an ongoing development.
The spirits of evil/lower consciousness of separation, are still departing
via many different ways and separation is healing faster now since more and more people
have been using their free will, intentions and repositioning in order to be free and sovereign.
The Twin Flames are steadily moving towards the state of syn-chronisation via the Kundalini nodes.
The state of syn-chronisation opens the Equilibriums which then open the great doors to the power of the cosmos and then the living state of Eros, can be experienced.
The state of Eros is very much connected to the galactic teams and the remembrance of their history
which just opened upon this Equinox and will continue unfolding ahead.

"Eros invincible in battle"
The meaning of this quote by Sophocles in Antigone that is referring to Eros as invincible in battle,
carries a true meaning for the Twin Flames and the galactic chronicles as many of the members of the galactic sacred fleet are Twin Flames in the state of Eros/love.
This will be seen and understood in the future as the new Twin Flame chronicles are coming up!
the feminine and the masculine are now reaching the nuclear state of their opposition/alienation/separation/disagreement
that has been active in and between them
and are given all tools, solutions and support in order to heal and bridge their lack of syn-chronisation.
They are being pushed to understand themselves deeper.
They will come to remember and realise that manifestation, creativity, abundance and fulfillment
comes only via syn-chronisation and union of their qualities and that the whole narrative of separation and differences,
was planned and imposed via the goal of the fallen goal to keep them powerless.
The masculine will be now reconnecting to God
and the feminine to her passion!

At the same time,
the appearance of Atlas
signifies a total change of the level of consciousness for all peoples on Earth.
Atlas in mythology is the one that after the Titans lost the war, he was responsible for holding the Earth's sky dome of the realm of Hyperborea which is the outer realm and the oldest one which includes all realms, on his shoulders.
He is also the father of the 7 sisters, the Pleiades.
Atlas means 'he who endures everything' and he has given his name to Atlantis, Atlantis ocean etc.
The indigos via Altas
can now receive new codes of reconnection to the true worlds and restore their cosmic
nervous system.
This means that they are also restoring their Yin and Yang power circuits and reconnecting to the radio and information of the free worlds!
A new wave of awakening is here for many more indigos!

- The next date
for the 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery Adjustment and Upgrade is
on Tuesday, October 29 2024
at 18:00 Athens time zone.
For participation please email me
at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
Blessings of Eros!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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