"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Earthquakes & change in the financial system - 18.10.2024

As we know the Full SuperMoon in Aries yesterday was the closest one we will have this year which exerts more pressure on the Earth's tectonic plates. Since October 16th, two days ago, we have had earthquakes all registering above magnitude 5.0 (so large) in Japan, Turkey, Fiji, Mexico, Afghanistan and Tonga (again).

We're aware that not only are we at the peak of Solar cycle 25, which is likely to continue all next year too, but the Sun is at a peak total irradiance level not experienced since 1962.
The Earth is likely to continue to go through the birthing pains of its own upgrade, and we of course are experiencing all these heightened solar energies ourselves too. It is certainly an accelerated evolutionary period.

Yesterday at the Full SuperMoon in Aries one of the anticipated developments was some change in the financial system, particularly with digital currencies, as Venus (money, currencies) was tightly opposing Uranus (digital). Uranus is in Taurus, ruled by Venus, so again linked to money, currencies, wealth, banking etc, and Venus is in Scorpio, linked to 'big money' and investments. The Taurus-Scorpio axis represents the financial axis. So yesterday exactly on the Full Moon there was an announcement of BRICS Pay at a BRICS Business Forum in Moscow. This represents the beginning of a whole new payment system. Separately the energy at this Full SuperMoon was intense with a Cardinal Grand Cross involving the Sun, Moon and a Mars-Pluto opposition. This is an aspect of extreme or 'brute' force, and it is interesting that geophysicist Stefan Burns has just reported that the Sun has reached its highest 'total solar irradiance' in 60 years, since 1962. The Sun is extremely active right now as we are all (exhaustedly!) aware, and this may well build through the month into November, as the Mars-Pluto opposition becomes exact on November 3rd and 4th. Are we starting to see an astrological correlation with the Sun's activity? This will be interesting to observe. Of course we are likely to have more manifestations to come from the Full SuperMoon of yesterday, the energy is intense and we have another powerful Full SuperMoon in November. Interesting times for sure.

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