"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - October 2024 Energy Update

Hello beautiful souls,
Welcome to the Energy Update for October! This month is brimming with powerful energies, guiding us through a profound transformation that will ripple through the rest of the year.
As I channeled this month’s themes, I was shown that we’re stepping into a Season of Strengthening, where we’re all being called to grow and evolve. Honesty is our portal to transformation, and we’re learning to embrace Flow Instead of Fire as we navigate these energies.
Dive deeper into these themes and more in the full #EnergyUpdate.
Big love,

00:01 - INTRO
02:39 - SEASON OF STRENGTHENING - internal and/or events outside you moving you into a new position of strength 
05:38 - QUIET REFLECTIVE POWER HOLDS GOLD - many power-ups will happen when you get quiet, still, and reflective right now
07:44 - HONESTY CREATES TRANSFORMATION - with self and with others 
10:35 - PHYSICAL HEALING FOCUS - many are experiencing health issues 
12:28 - FLOW INSTEAD OF FIRE - October is a water (flow) month - fire energy will struggle to drive things 
13:57 - EXPERIENCING VISIONS AND FUTURE TIMELINES ENERGETICALLY - we are jumping possible manifestations by trying them on for size
16:47 - POWER SHIFTS GLOBALLY - changes in status and dynamics between countries 
18:02 - PATIENCE AND PRESENCE IF ‘WAITING IT OUT’ - patience during the waiting game of either your personal shifts or global ones

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