"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - October is certainly proving to be a high energy month - 11.10.2024

October is certainly proving to be a high energy month so far, as expected. Many floods have happened across the world, in Nepal, New Zealand, parts of Europe including Central and Eastern Europe, Thailand and now France and Belgium. The floods in the US as we are well aware have been catastrophic, so please continue to send prayers and calming blue light to all these places.

On October 9th Jupiter became stationary direct exactly conjunct the US Mars (within 2' of exactitude). Jupiter expands, and Mars in the US chart rules the IC of their chart, representing the land. Transiting Mars is currently in Cancer, a water sign, and many of these extreme floods began around the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces conjunct Neptune, all suggesting a high potential for flooding and issues to do with water. This same signature helps us to feel enormous compassion for all caught up in these tragedies, and this continues. It helps us to birth unity consciousness, which is where we are headed.

The Sun has been extremely active this month too, with many M-class flares and 5 X-class flares so far, which is highly unusual. Now we are moving into an even more dynamic period for the rest of the month, and indeed the year.

Comet Atlas is coming to its closest point to the Earth over the next few days and may be visible in the night sky around sunset. Comets bring new information to the Earth from the far galaxies and often are indications of major change - but we have many of those astrologically.
Pluto today and tomorrow is stationary direct at 29°38' Capricorn. It barely moves over the next week, and will not be back in Capricorn after November 19th for around another 240 years. It starts to gather more momentum in November, but even over these next few days as it begins its direct motion we may have a stronger feeling of 'there is no going back to the old world'. A greater sense of truth coming to light, and this marks the end of the old order and old systems. Of course the collapse will continue through next year, but there is now a much greater sense of clarity, truth coming to light, and as humanity we are stepping into our spiritual sovereignty in a way we probably have not done in our lifetime.

On the 13th, Mercury squares Pluto at 29° Libra-Capricorn, signalling more secrets coming to light and potentially important legal cases, and the Moon is square to Uranus, suggesting more rebellious behaviour from people. On the 14th, Mercury tips into Scorpio, the sign of secrets, to dig up more of those, and the Sun is square to Mars at 21° Libra-Cancer. This is likely to make people more assertive and reactionary in an effort to protect their families and homes (Cancer), as well as what feels legally correct (Libra). Then we are building into the very powerful Full SuperMoon in Aries on the 17th which includes a Cardinal Grand Cross, and a Mars-Pluto opposition which perfects on November 3rd and 4th. This is extremely powerful and explosive energy, and is best used for willpower and laser focus on a project rather than expressed assertively in the world.

The process of Pluto moving through any sign is that it has to reveal whatever is corrupt or not for our highest good linked to the symbolism of that sign. So in Capricorn that is linked to top-down centralised structures, highlighting where they have not served us well.

When it enters a sign within a short time there is a crisis normally around the symbolism of that sign too; so it entered Capricorn in 2008, and we all remember the financial crisis then. In Aquarius, this is the sign linked to truth, freedom, humanitarianism, greater equability, communities and collaborations and a gradual shift of power to the people with a more grassroots-based decentralised system. Aquarius is the sign linked to science and technology, and I expect there to be a crisis around those subjects in the early months of Pluto's transit in that sign, beginning in November. Where has science and technology not served us well, for our highest good?

The process of Pluto is also to intensify the symbolism of the sign it is transiting as well as revealing any corruption. So yes, we must be aware of greater 'control by technology' which is the shadow side of this transit. We must find ways if we wish to strengthen our sovereignty to work around this; many of you know that I only switch on my mobile phone if I need a verification code, otherwise it is switched off. This is one small thing I can do to stop the doom-scrolling on the mobile and giving away my power to that small device.

The Full SuperMoon as it is closer to the Earth may well bring more seismic activity and extreme weather. We can do so much as a collective when we come together in peace, calm and love, and send ripples of calming pale blue light to any area expecting extreme weather. Everything is energy, and we will start to feel more strongly what powerful co-creators we are, especially in numbers, as we move through these coming months. We are learning our mastery in these co-creative efforts.

So stay in your strength, your sovereignty, your centre, your love and your peace. Every single one of us matters here. In every moment we are either energising the life support system of the corrupt old world, or we are building New Earth, and we do this by our frequency. Be conscious of where your focus is. Which are you feeding today?

Many blessings to you all.

Full SuperMoon in Aries October 17th 2024

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