"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - regenerative life force & Mother Nature - 08.10.2024

I woke up this morning with a clear message of the regenerative life force operating on all levels of creation on earth now.
It is transfiguring the old, into the totally new.
To me this is exactly what I was trying to relay yesterday in my post about nature, her healing powers, yet she holds regenerative powers too.
So do you.
No matter what your life looks like, or feels like at the moment, there are far greater Divine cosmic regenerative energies at work here.
We are asked to stay in the heart of love, and allow these to bring about the transfiguration, transformation. This will only become painful, as long as we cling onto the old patterns, onto things, onto our comfort zones, and even relationships which no longer serve us.
Even when death occurs in the family, the vacuum will immediately be filled by one, or many, stepping immediately into that role, which seemingly was left vacant. This can be people, or animals, or or whatever else.
The Universe always fills void, vacant space, immediately.
It could just be, that we so mourn the loss of what once was, that we cannot see nor sense the new, already blossoming forth.
Yet, that regenerative force is unstoppable, and it is lifting us way beyond which we believe is possible, into the seeming impossible.
Such is the blessing of life on earth, in every breathing moment now.
Every morning now, I open myself to receive gratefully and gracefully whatever the Divine Source wishes to bestow upon me.
When you ask for this, then you also need to be open to this, and not cling to the known, when the seeming unknown makes its presence felt in your life and then push the new away.
Welcome in the regenerative forces, and allow the new to manifest into form and being, with love, in love and through lovingly welcome it into form and being, like a mother welcomes the unborn child growing within her womb.

Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli


Mother Nature has the innate ability to heal herself and all life upon her. She carries the Divine life forces within her.  Every element holds divinity, every tree, animal, bird, insects, grain of sand.... All life and life forms hold the same divinity within them, as we do.
This why we need to truly tune into nature again and learn to communicate with her again. 
Birds are the first to sound alarm and they are the first to inform all other creatures if there is impending danger.  When a snake is in a tree, the birds will make a racket. The same applies when a predator is near, and all other species heed the alarm.
The animals are so connected to mother earth, that they know when to seek out higher ground, or can feel earthquakes happening before they occur. When animals get restless and want to break free, take notice. They are warning signals and are communicating this.
Finches know in advance when it will be a wet or dry year, and build their nests accordingly.
Trees communicate via their roots and give warning signals....
Yet also notice how nature is ascending and how all of life is expressing joy.
Listen to the whisper of wind, the songs of the sea and the waters gently lapping onto the shore. 
Feel and tune into the ancientness of the rocks and they will reveal the earth's history to you, for they store information.
Look at spoor (South African English for footprints) and it will tell you so much about the animal. Go and learn from the animal trackers about reading spoor, and your life will never be the same again. One broken twig can tell stories, as does one single dropping of an elephant.
The call of a fish eagle stirs the soul. The roar of lions shake the ground. Elephants rumble when they communicate, while at night under the stars, the sound of the bushveldt stirs the soul....
The beauty and perfection of Mother Earth and Mother Nature is a true gift of love to us all.
When we deeply connect with her, our souls awaken in ways words cannot describe.
Why not be grateful for each living, breathing moment on Mother Earth? 
Loving her and nurturing her, as much as she loves and nurtures you?

Judith Kusel 
Photo:  Judith Kusel

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