"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Full SuperMoon in Aries - 14.10.2024

We're building towards a powerful Full SuperMoon at 24°34' Aries, exactly conjunct warrior energy Eris by degree. See where this falls in your chart, and see what is potentially coming to completion, closure, or culmination in that 'house' area of your life, or perhaps shining a light on what you didn't see before.

As this is the closest Full Moon of the year to the Earth, we will see it (weather permitting) as bigger and brighter in the sky. It will potentially also reveal more secrets in this bright light, particularly as Pluto now has gone direct and has only 5 weeks to go in Capricorn, representing the old order. Please know that the collapse of the old order will not happen by mid-November, but will certainly become more evident. A shift of energy has already happened, and that will change the level of truth that we will see in the world.

If we cast the chart for this Full SuperMoon for Washington DC, we will see that the Cardinal Grand Cross falls across the angles. Pluto is conjunct the IC within less than a degree, Mars is conjunct the MC, and the Sun is conjunct the Ascendant and the Moon conjunct the descendant. I never know how the astrology will manifest in terms of events, but when planets are angular across a particular geography, especially at a powerful moment such as this Full SuperMoon, it tends to mean that this geography will come into the news in some way during the next week or so. We will see what unfolds, and of course it may manifest as more assertion in Washington politics - if that is even possible.

However, the more we as humanity can use this energy positively, the less energy it has to manifest negatively. So this is a great time to not only release what no longer serves you (always true of a Full Moon), but it is an excellent time to initiate, to take a risk, to be courageous, to begin a new project, or to be active physically in a bigger way (strong Mars energy). If you do any of these things, do them peacefully, consciously and not in anger.

The Moon conjunct Eris may see more revolutionary and rebellious energy in the world, and with Pluto moving towards Aquarius that is likely too. If this manifests, try to remember to stay on your Eagle's perch and observe these events. Use all of your energy to create a more loving vision for New Earth. This is already here in frequency, we simply have to expand our consciousness to experience it.
Many blessings to you all.

Full SuperMoon in Aries October 17th 2024

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