"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

The middle of October has passed and as time has sped up, we will soon enter a new month. The intense energies of the past week have calmed down for this week, although this Aries Full Moon may have stirred up the stagnant water or given us new strength by taking actions on a physical or mental level with our goals and dreams in mind.

At the moment there is some kind of cucumber season, or rather the calm before the storm, not many significant energetic events or posts have been posted, and in addition, the old "teachers" have also retired and are not really posting anymore.

Our role in this life can change at any time, we come to the fore, or we are called back, or we simply feel the call to do different things than what we have been doing so far. The point is to trust ourselves, and whatever changes occur in our lives, find our stillness and stability point within ourselves.

The world and energies may be chaotic, but we don't have to go into mass psychosis. We may not be able to control the world and our lives events, but we can control how we react and with what energies we live our lives. I guess this is also a decision... energy reports, world news here or there.

Actually, I don't really follow the news and somehow I don't like to follow social media either, but I wasn't always like that. I think everyone goes through the point when they start jumping into the rabbit holes that interests them and start following the biggest names in the spiritual net world and devour the information in an unfiltered way. What is going on in the background, what are the plans, we follows the updates week by week and it will be like a drug for us...yes intel junkies. Then when the announced "this and that will happen" still doesn't come, first we gets angry, then disillusioned, then bored... it's always the promise. Then there comes a point when we are overloaded with information, promises and either stop following certain pages or people, or resume after a short break.

I had a very dear friend who wrote that he doesn't read the news and is much calmer that way. He is not ignorant, but much more focus on his life and surroundings. I thought about it and tried it and he was really right. There is a tsunami of information on a daily basis that is in the mainstream media, all negative and depressing - war, murder, political drama, injustice, celebrity news, etc. If we saw the energies on such news sites and social media, we would be horrified by the sight.

The average person consumes the news in order to be "in the picture" of what is going on in the world... but the paradox is that they does not actually have a picture of what is happening in their life and especially not in the world, because the media is censored, fake news, edited images, set and multitude of scripts. In fact, why do we have to energetically drain ourselves every single day with news that is put in front of us.

My mom always watches the news on television and when I visited her and wanted some extra time with her I also snuggled up on the sofa and watched with her the news. Every day is the same negativity, as if the TV news programmed people to think that the world we live in is a "shitty place" and only negative things happen. This is called predictive programming to watch and fear negative things.

If we consume a lot of this kind of content, our mind gets stuck on it and that's all we will see in our reality, more and more news like this will come before us and we will only spiral into such a negative loop. In how many comments and conversations is this sentence uttered - "the world is ripe for destruction". "Look at what's going on in the world, I can't live like this!" Yes, we can, but maybe if we look at the positive side. There is no need to ignore the bad, because everything has two sides in this duality, the only point is what we focus on. 

There was an experiment a long time ago and they created a news page with only positive and uplifting news. It was successful for a while because it was new, something different but it was canceled because it didn't have enough views later on.

 The reality is that yes, there are "bad things" in the world, but there are so many positive and uplifting stories alongside them, but they don't get as much attention from the media and from us. Why? Because the human brain is starved for drama...that's all. Look at what kind of media products the average person consumes, and what most people click on - exactly these dramas and the media knows this. They serve our interests - where there is demand, there is supply. Celebrity news dramas, gossip, political mudslinging, accidents, murders. The most successful movies are the big visuals, action movies that are full of violence, guns, bangs and drama. Most people use these "dramas" to distract them from life, which their minds consider "boring", but only until the drama happens to them, then they into victim mentality and cry for help and attention. If there is none, they create it for themselves through their traumas.

During my two-year journalism training, I was taught by local journalists and media workers. I'll never forget when they taught me that there are cucumber seasons and we have to deliver the news even then, but since there isn't one, we should produce it. The media machine never sleeps.

The other thing you must have noticed is how loud and click-baiting headlines are in the news, and the content is about 0, i.e. they write a lot of sentences about nothing. The other is to be objective and impartial as a journalist - what naivety, since every newspaper supports a political party that it owns, and whoever would write the truth, the editor-in-chief and the owner of the newspaper would certainly not allow it to appear on its pages, be it the paper or online.

The media has become a business and they do everything they can to fill the empty pages and serve the subscriptions and get new ones. The media has become a power and a servant of elite power. If necessary, they withhold news, lie, discredit, mix the truth with lies, or simply do not tell the truth. Unfortunately, many investigative reporters and journalists have died because they dedicated themselves to uncovering a case they were trying to keep quiet.

We learned and it would be fair and authentic that the media plays a controlling role between the government and the people. It reports news as it happened, nothing more and nothing less, that's why it was created. The media should be supporters of the truth, yet it is in bed with people in power because it was bought a long time ago. This is not a new thing, because information is power. At the right time, having good information is an advantage over others, and this is how insiders got their money and power. I hope one day the "media" will be itself again and stick to information, the truth, and real news, and not a power-hungry mogul who manufactures fiction, deceiving and misinforming millions of people.

The point is to be discerning about what kind of media and other information we consume. Many times it is really much more peaceful if we focus on ourselves and our immediate environment and read content that resonates with us, gains something from it and uplifts us instead of keeping us in a negative and depressive energy range. 

Perhaps drama is exciting to the mind, but in reality the soul prefers peace, harmony and love. If there is chaos in the world, let's try to keep the peace energetically, because this world needs it now, as well as positive and uplifting news.

This week we slow down musically and focus on our wonderful world with a new version of this song. 

"I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world"

I wish for everybody a very good weekend and awesome new week :)


  1. Hi sis :) I agree always with your posts, so much sincronicity with my own world.. I would like to write more about my situation but every time i start, something (strange) happen and stop me. So, for now before this happen again i just wanna thank you and send love to everyone <3

    1. Hi sistar :) Thanks your lovely comment again :) This is very strange...now I´m curious lol Thanks for sharing. If this strange things stop and want talk or write, you know where you find me :) Take care and have a nice day :)

  2. RE "we don't have to go into mass psychosis"

    We ARE in "mass psychosis" and have LONG been...

    The official framing of the mass formation (or mass psychosis) "phenomenon" is misleading and wrong in terms of what the whole true reality is. The false hope-addicted psychologists and their acolytes want you to believe this is "just some temporary occasional" madness by the masses when it is but a spike of a CHRONIC madness going on for aeons with "civilized" people: https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html

    One of these mainstream psychologists who have been spreading this whitewashed reality, Dr. Desmet, also fails to see that the PLANNED Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn't think (after more than 1 year, 2 years, even 3 years, into this total PLANNED scam!) it's ALL intentionally sinister as he stated in a prior podcast (this makes him witting or unwitting controlled opposition).

    In the May of 2022 podcast with James Corbett he stated that "some people tend to overestimate the degree of planning and intentions" (behind the COUNTLESS, VERIFIABLE, FULLY INTENTIONAL, FULLY PLANNED atrocities by the ruling tribe of psychopaths over the last century alone) and see all of it as being PLANNED which Desmet called "an extreme position" ... Sound logical thinking is "extreme" and therefore false and sick in his demented delusional view!

    This all means Desmet is ALSO a member of the masses of lunatics, an ACTIVE CARD-CARRYING MEMBER of mass formation!

    And nearly ALL of the "alternative media" too has been mindlessly spreading Desmet's fake and misdirecting narrative endlessly...

    "My experiences with "alternative media" have been, for the most part, just as dreadful as with the mainstream media. Most are unprincipled scavengers, shills and prostitutes, willing, and even eager, to sell out for ego-gratification and/or financial gain." --- Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at https://howbadismybatch.com

    "We'll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public [and global public] believes is false." ---William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

    “Repeating what others say and think is not being awake. Humans have been sold many lies...God, Jesus, Democracy, Money, Education, etc. If you haven't explored your beliefs about life, then you are not awake.” --- E.J. Doyle, songwriter

    "There are large numbers of scientists, doctors, and presstitutes who will sell out truth for money, such as those who describe people dropping dead on a daily basis as “rare” when it it happening all over the vaccinated world." --- Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., American economist & former US regime official, in 2024

    1. Hi, Thanks for sharing your opinion. Yeah, we are in a mass hypnosis since a long time but these are layers upon layers, this means we not have buy into another one be in mass or alternative media. Unfortunately since many decades humanity getting dumbed down to the point that we can´t critical thinking or follow our intuition to discern what is real and what is fake. What I have noticed is that what governments make simulation plans for, sooner or later they come true - this was the case with 911 terrorist attacks, covid and the hurricane too. The other is that if the government really pushes something, there must be some kind of scam - covid propaganda, global warming etc. Follow the money....

  3. XD lol I hope we are on a good way to disentangled this situation (i don`t even want write or pronunce the name of the "situation" until it will be gone forever ever) and I know that you know about what am i talking hahhahahah
    I will tnx sistar, you too ;)
