"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - Flow & heart energy & oneness & Magic - 10.10.2024

October is a month of flow, of water. Fire energy will struggle to drive things this month. So, try flowing if forging ahead proves difficult. If you've got your foot on the accelerator and you're really trying to move things along but they aren't working, try not to drive. Try and just take your foot off the gas and say, "Okay, this isn't working; let me just flow and let me see what happens." Because wherever the power is dominant at any time on earth, that's where the power is. So, if the power is found in flowing, then that is going to be your most successful state to enter.

If you are used to being powerful through your fire, this is a great month for you to learn power from a different angle. It doesn't mean something's going wrong. It just means that you are learning to flow in a different way - learning to have an experience and be in tune with the energies that are available.

Watch the full October 2024 Energy Update here:


My guides, the Z’s, say that our heart energy as human beings is unlike any other way of incarnating anywhere else in the Universe. They say that's what makes us uniquely human. And they also say our heart energy is our greatest source of power, especially at these times in history. Which is interesting when we still live in a society where so much weight is given to other aspects of who we are as humans and the heart is often the thing that's left behind in many ways. They say that this transformation of consciousness we are now going through is a huge shift around all of that. And so, who we are can be found within our heart energy.

And by the way, some of you who feel like you aren't necessarily the most fluffy or cuddly people, heart energy isn't necessarily to do with your actions. There can be someone who loves hugging and being fluffy and cuddly, perhaps their heart energy is not even as strong as someone else who is not that demonstrative. So, we often, on Earth, get sucked into ideas of how an energy shows up. We're all supposed to be wired very differently. We're all supposed to have a unique personality, mission on the planet.

- From The Journey of Channeling and the New Human Soul


Creating a frequency of oneness with another human being, which is simply creating love with another human being, is incredibly powerful. And when you can spread that around and among other humans, it is extraordinary.
-Lee's guides the Z's


The dream you wish to create is quite simply a fuller version of you and your potential. Because there is a level at which life will cause us to grow. But when we get connected to our soul - the power of our energy - the process moves far faster because we remember our magic that can create. You are magic, as we all are. Everyone on earth has that potential.

- From Your Future Calls You MP3

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