"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - millions of Star Seeds and Light workers are gathering in Loving Communities, unified in heart and soul - 02.06.2024

"I woke in a very much altered state this morning, and was clearly shown the immense transfiguration and transformation taking place, as the millions of Star Seeds and Light worker soul are now awakening in ever greater and higher degrees.

These souls volunteered to see this massive shift through, and came in droves, as the Divine Masterplan unfolds on earth. This has never happened before on such a vast scale, so is unprecedented.

The Divine Source declared that humanity would be set free at this exact time, 5th July 2020, and since then this is the case. It has been accompanied by such a deep and profound emergence, that the process has become unstoppable. As much as some are desperately trying to spread the seeds of chaos, dissent and false information, it is a last ditch attempt, for they know their time is up and fear the consequences of their actions, as the Divine Law of Cause and Effect is now returning unto them the self-same seeds, they have sown.

Then I was shown how these millions of Star Seeds and Light workers are gathering in Loving Communities, unified in heart and soul, sharing the same vision of co-creating the New Golden Age of Unity with unconditional love, as one!

Initially, I saw them gathering group by group, then the groups started to form cluster groups, and the cluster groups then united as ONE, and I was shown a massive beehive with all the clusters now forming part of one single WHOLE!
It was so incredibly beautiful that I have tears writing this!

We are all one, and we will now find in the highest degrees that this Unity and Oneness will be felt deeply in our hearts and souls, as we increasingly experience this unanimity within and outside of ourselves.
Instead of separation, we can only see ONE.

Instead of judging ourselves and others, our hearts open and we only see and feel a deep love. An all abiding love. For we finally now understand and deeply FEEL this, that all is One. Our brothers, our sisters, are ONE with us.

There is a deep compassion for those brothers and sisters who still choose to live in fear and separation.

A few years ago I was told that they will simply leave the planet to continue their soul journeys elsewhere ,where they will go through a cosmic evolutionary stage, and eventually they will be reunited with the Divine Source again. It is not up to us to figure this out – it is just to send them love. They have free will and choice.
This unity and oneness will extend to all living beings on Earth and beyond."
Copyright Applies; Excerpt from my "White Flame of Illumination Level IV Online Course."

Judith Kusel
Photo: Mario Duguay
source - facebook

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