"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - huge energetic chagnes are pouring in & moving into a time of great expansion - 06.06.2024

Huge energetic changes are pouring in.
To me the immense gale force winds, rain, snow floods, tornadoes we are dealing with here in South Africa is a very deep clearing away of the old in ways we may not even be concious of.
Yet from everywhere where disaster struck, and people were stranded, news comes of hearts opening, people assisting, support coming in unprecedented manner.
Truck drivers stuck in passes due to floods and snow, found people bringing them soup, food and coffee, with so much more.
We are all in this together and we will find that in the end, we all are one.
Deep down our souls have always known this.
We just forgot.
Now that veils of amnesia have been lifted, we can finally see again, with the eyes of love and unity.
Let us leave golden footsprints of love in each other's hearts and wherever we walk on this sacred earth.


We are moving into a time of great expansion of not only our consciousness, but all of life. It is like an explosion of new life and new beginnings, not only for us, but all life and life forms.
Have you noticed how suddenly new species are showing up globally, and even species which were believed to be extinct?
Notice how the New Earth is making her presence felt, in every leaf, tree, rock, in the waters, the air, the fires, earth, and how everything is taking on higher vibrational light-filled colours and hues. It is just beautiful to become aware of all of this, and to simply bless every living being, every living cell containing life born anew!
During my teaching session last night, I was taking my students through a visualization of walking in the New Earth, and leaving golden footprints wherever they walk. Golden footprints of Love, harmony, unity and Oneness. Then I expanded this, in a deep and powerful meditation, with the merging of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within. Even as I was doing this, all was expanding within me, and I was given a renewed vision of the life in the Golden Age, and indeed that walking together as One, the unity with all life and life forms, as well as the New Earth.
Let us all leave those golden love-filled footsteps behind us and let us become renewed with awe and wonder at the unfolding of a totally new higher dimensional life and embrace it, firstly within our very heart and soul, and expand into the Highest versions of our soul, as One with All That Is!
Let us walk with love, joy and open to all the miracles which are right here, in the eternal Now!
We are asked now to start anchoring in the New Golden Age, with love, inspired from deep within our heart and soul in the highest and best ways, for the highest good of all.

Judith Kusel
Photo: Josephine Wall
source - facebook

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