"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Central sun children - 04.06.2024

I was so interested to read Tim Whild’s post and his statement that Lady Gaia, has resigned as Teaching School for souls, and this indeed will have an enormous impact on our souls as well!
What this means that with the school now being closed, that souls do not need to come to earth any longer, to gain soul lessons in highest mastery. Nor to work through negative patterns created with other souls in other lives.

With the Veils of amnesia and those over our third eyes being removed, with the 7th veil in the process of being removed, it just reiterates that we, as souls are being freed on so many levels! What a great blessing this is!

It is so in line with what I have been told since 2009, that new Souls have been born since 1994, with the Rainbow children, who were the first of the new Human Prototype to arrive, and then the Sun Children from 2012 and now the Central Sun Children from henceforth, that they indeed never came in with any negative karmic patterns to work through. There are some exceptions, but most of the Soul Readings I have done, emphatically stated, that the Rainbow children are the forerunners, and paved the way for the Sun Children to arrive.

This means that we now already have a totally new human race on earth, and the Old Earth is in its death throw moments. By 2032 all be more or less complete, as far as the first extensive phase is concerned as by that time those souls who choose to fully ascend will have ascended into the New Earth, and the switch over into the New Lightbody.
I find this so inspiring.

We have been those forerunner souls who were born since 1950’s who did the enormous spadework for all of this to constellate into form and being, and now it is all happening and how!

Note how everything will now change – and when I mean everything, it means everything! No-thing will be the same, and it is up to us to totally let go of the old patterns, and old behaviors, and whatever, as accelerated transfiguration is now upon us.
Keep your heart open and allow your own intuitive knowing to be your guiding light, as your soul finds it wings, as it flies over the edge and into the totally unknown, yet known!

Judith Kusel
Photo: All credit to the Source.
source - facebook

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