"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Energies in June & The portal of knowledge

ENERGIES IN JUNE will amplify the anchor of your energetic subscription as you abandon identification with who you think you are: the explosions of energy from Remembering can cause tingling and chills at unexpected times if you are open to this process. Just as certain soul contracts with others have been fulfilled. Now be prepared to receive Blessings through new experiences.

Everyone individually, and in the Collective, will be feeling and experiencing the vibrations of a new energetic juncture on the planet for the transformation of consciousness. Unlike others who will lose their mind, be centered on your own Inner Energy Source to maintain sanity.

It is important to remember that it is easier to deal with dimensional Transition when we are in the position of the Observer so as not to enter the whirlwind of chaos.

On the 18th, the Solstice Portal opens, energies of renewal arrive strengthening the Great Change.

On September 25, 2017, the new Grade and the "Vega Effect" – which has the Earth's new position toward its North Polar Star – allowed the Earth to be released by the new forces of influence, and its access to the 5a solar star spectrum D.

Through continuous new Activations to keep the Energies on a crescent to complete this Realignment by 2042, Mother Earth will increase her current 7 Chakra System to one of 15 Chakras - just like humans who choose to move to the new higher timeline.

IZ ROOT CHAKRA (1st) - MOUNT SHASTA, CALIFORNIA. Red; biological energy of life force. updated as of March 3, 2020

O SACRAL CHAKRA (2o) - LAGO TITICACA PERU, INCLUDING MACHU PICCHU). Orange; positive evolution of pure life force. Updated on August 19, 2021 According to the map, it is connected to the growth of the "South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly".

( SOLAR PLEXO CHAKRA (3rd) - ULURU AND KATA TJUTA AUSTRALIA (twin monolithics). Golden yellow; maintenance of the vitality of the earth and all its species. Immortalizing the life force. Updated as of February 4, 2023

AK HEART CHAKRA (4th) - GLASTONBURY AND SHAFTESBURY, ENGLAND. Green/pink; Represents the Holy Grail and the Sacred Spear of Purpose. Updated soon: July 21, 2024
do These are dates predicted by Metastrology, by Alexandrian Kosmos, who I have translated for years here, that predicts the Flow of Universal Energies in the Cosmology of the Integration of the Solar System into the Universal Community. Notice the planet and the lives what changes from it.

Few people really seek Knowledge because they do not know how to ask. Most try to pull from the other the answers already molded in their minds for justification and consolation as they proceed on the same path.
To ask, really, is to open the door to the whirlpool of the unknown answer that may annihilate the question and the questioner if he is willing to not be limited in consciousness.
“Conscience does not negotiate with experience. Your nature is simply to take in everything that emerges, allow everything that exists and abandon everything that disappears. " ~Rupert Spira in 'You are the happiness you seek'
According to the Eternal Doctrine, the Fire of Knowledge burns the blade of Illusion. Those who are absorbed by Him become sovereign and free, and become Fires to other consciences.

This is the Purpose of learning on earthly existence.
“Authentic Enlightenment will completely annihilate and transform you. The Waters of Surrender and the Fire of Consciousness will merge, dissolving the ego and allowing the only unborn Consciousness, hidden behind the conditioned "I", to make only what you are shine. ”(Santata Yoga-Kriya)

In the face of tribulations, “Let not your heart be troubled”... (John 14:1-25)... let yourself go through the ripples of emotion and reactive feelings activating the Conscious Will to remain in balance.

Realize that overtolerance drains your energy
The irritability that someone provokes you is the manifestation of your shadow side, your Body of Pain, seeking nutrition to stay in control of your instincts.
Neutrality has to be created in the face of situations so that anger, desperation, victimism, inertia and depression do not set up paralyzing your process of Awakening.
"Remember: you are always facing outward, simply Observe.
The mind is always inside: do not identify with it. Misidentified, you will become more and more lucrative and the mind will die by itself.
The death of the mind and the birth of attentive and present observation is the beginning of your evolution.

And the light will not be far away: this conscious observation is the light!
Darkness will disappear, because when you are the light, you can't be surrounded by darkness.
That's why I say careful and conscious observation is not a technique: it's in its nature. You just have to remember that. " ~Osho
Wilma Capuano

source - facebook

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