"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - 144000 & missing or distorted genealogy points and lack of abundance - 31.05.2024

MAY 31 2024

I was guided to hold another meeting with the Manifestors because of the new developments so we got together last night.
What took place during the meeting was totally magical and out of this world, more like from heaven and the depths of the sea!
I will share more in our upcoming group session but I wanted to share with everyone that
since last night,
the missions of the Archangelic and Angelic collectives have changed.
Now the Manifestors have been guided to
redirect their Powers and begin fully supporting
the Reunion of all True Twin Flames/Divine Couples and all True Families/Parents with their True Children
so that full healing correction from all the devastating results that the fallen technology of separation had brought to them,
can take place on all levels!
This was the guidance straight from Heaven!
Starting from yesterday,
we are counting 7 Holy Days
up to the 6th when the Holy Grail will fully return to us!
All preparations took place last night and everything and everyone is in place for this.
Personally I am in total Bliss from what I experienced during last night's meeting and I am grateful that I was worthy enough to be guiding this work
and be part of God's plan with all of my worthy Brothers and Sisters!
Let us walk everyday up to the 6th in Presence and Recognition of the great Blessings that are here for us and open ourselves to receive the Divine Guidance!
The '144000 DIAMONDS' gathering on Sunday will also be dedicated in the service of this Divine cause!
Please know that there where many souls of children waiting to be incarnated and many parents
that were waiting for the Resurrection of the Holy Sun Trinity!
Now that this has taken place and
upon the upcoming full release of the hatched egg,
the Twin Flames becoming the Phonixes and the return of the Holy Grail, a whole new world full of happy and blessed potentials, will open!
We have a truly magnificent work to perform and enjoy ahead,
thank you for your service!


MAY 31 2024

Everything that One is
is coming through his/her True Genealogy.
The lessons that One has taken and the progress
that One has achieved is also part of the Genealogy.
All of this defines One’s true position and the paths that open in front of him/her in the scheme of all things.
For example,
one of the main secret techniques
of the dark ones
were to mislead the young souls that had fallen
by boosting their ego,
feeding them with false greatness, lies, fake promises of success,
fame, richness and false positions of power and even false origins,
creating in them a false sense of superiority, abilities and freedoms
that was based on latent principles and values of life.
In exchange the young souls were giving away their true powers,
abilities and freedoms
which were then used to serve the fallen plan.
The opposite was also taking place of course!
This is still play out to this day and it is one of the main reasons
why humanity has been suffering from insanity and mental illness.
Tomorrow we are fully releasing the hatched egg/seal of the Apocalypse
and we are reconnecting to the new Living field.
This begins a totally new and powerful quantum movement.
Missing or distorted points in the lines will play a huge role from now on
because they will be the ones that will unconsciously manifest and create blockages and lack.
People will be stripped off of their false positions and possessions in the blink of an eye.
In the new flow of Abundance there are certain God given values and principles!
One of the most important elements is One’s True Position and Who is Who.
For this it is important to remember that everyone is equal
but not everyone is the same.
So adjusting to the new Living Field via certain steps is part of what
we will work on in tomorrow's group session.
I was told that many will be deceived at the beginning by the tremendous unleashed
energies and will misjudge their abilities
because they have not really done
the inner work and they do not know what is coming.
They have just been waiting for external miracles and saviours and have been misled by
certain people in the spiritual community
without truly having understood how the system works.
The new living field is very different to what we have been used to.
The energies will be manifesting really fast and also on many amplified levels.
This is why we are called to work with the lines,
so that we can prevent the distortion, the deception and the blockages
from manifesting and creating more suffering, lack and poverty.
One thing is certain,
spiritual illusions and false projections onto spirit and
Twin Flame mumbo jumbo,
will be seen and removed very fast via the developments in the world.
This will be another kind of expression of the splitting
which is now going to spread on many different levels.

-Join us tomorrow for
Those that have the call to do this work,
can message for the details of participation.

Blessings to all!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

source - facebook

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