"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz - 28.02.2025

The last day has come, and we can say goodbye to February and welcome March this weekend. The energies have been intense this week, with solar flares and the accompanying symptoms possibly making our daily lives more difficult. I even had to take a nap on Tuesday to be able to function somewhat for the rest of the day.

Lately, I've been spending most of my time on my cross-stitch project, which requires a lot of work and patience since this will be the largest piece I've made so far. I’m also very curious to see how closely it will resemble the original image. In the future, I’d like to experiment with different genres, but there's that saying, ""Man proposes but God disposes." We’ll see what comes of these plans.

I uploaded a few pictures to the blog that I created, mainly fantasy images inspired by the World of Warcraft game. Yes, I really like elves—no wonder my favorite character is Drizzt Do'Urden from the Dungeons & Dragons world, created by R.A. Salvatore. Fantasy is my favorite genre, where magic exists, many different races live together in a world, and magical creatures like dragons reside. Fantasy is a spectacular fairytale world where only your imagination can set the limit, and sometimes it’s great to escape our fixed world and dive into this one. 

When I was a little girl, around 3 years old, my stepfather started entertaining me with "magic tricks" to get closer to me, as my parents had divorced. Back then, I didn’t know they were tricks, and I truly believed we had magical powers. It felt so empowering to believe that I had some kind of power and could make things disappear or manifest if I concentrated hard enough, whether it was a playing card or a coin. That was my passion back then—doing magic and becoming better at it. At that time, I believed the world was magical, like the way light shines through a prism.

When my dad took me to his new family, my stepmother had to "play magic" with me too, and she really didn’t like it. One day, the playing cards didn’t disappear when I focused hard on making them vanish. No matter how much I tried, it didn’t work. "Maybe I’m the problem, I’m not concentrating hard enough." My stepmother got fed up with the game and explained that I didn’t have any "magical powers" because they had always been the ones making things disappear and putting them back in place. It felt like a slap in the face—my childlike nature and belief shattered that day, and the world turned gray before my eyes. "So this is how the world works, people have no power..." I thought, and from that day on, I never played "magic tricks" or thought about it again.

But did my family and this world manage to erase that desire from me? No… because I dreamed. In a dream, I was practicing with a friend in a huge cobblestone street, capturing energies, and we even reshaped some of the street's stones, which the city’s residents were not very happy about. Later, I was able to "ride" the wind currents, like when we float on the currents of salty water in this world, and let the wind carry me. Later, I found fantasy books where wizards existed, capable of working with elemental energies, druids who could transform into any animal, and where dragons, griffins, and other mythical creatures lived. I never believed the dragons were greedy, lazy, destructive, or foolish creatures. In fact, I admired them, and deep down, I felt and knew that they weren’t like what this world said about them. Dreams, fantasy books, and games prevented this matrix from completely turning me gray and into a lifeless robot figure.

Later, I fell in love with a series called Heroes, where people got supernatural abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, self-healing, precognition, and manipulating the space-time continuum, among others. Then came Star Wars, and I wanted to be a Jedi. We can call it magic or abilities, but deep down, I believed and longed for these powers as if they belonged to me or as if I had them "once upon a time," making the world complete and exciting.

In reality, these so-called supernatural abilities are innate to us, but due to programming and blockages, they fade and become forgotten. However, as we clear, reprogram ourselves, and connecting back to our core essence they return. Many people are already using these abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, energy reading, future sight, remote viewing, dreaming, etc., all of which are exciting discoveries and help us navigate this world, heal it, and bring new things here. But how do we develop these abilities? Meditation, stillness, and practice help a lot, especially if we are truly serious and our intentions are clear regarding their use.

The purpose of this post is to say that if you have or will have a young child, let them stay in that rainbow-colored little warm bubble because they are still connected with their soul, their inner child, and their abilities. Don’t kill their dreams, their childhood, with the bittersweet adult view of life, responsibilities and your own projected traumas and hurt. Young children still have their third eye open and very empath—they see and feel the energies, what we cannot and may know things we've long forgotten. Conditioning and gaslighting make them "average," so they can fit into the matrix box. To them, this place is magical, exiting, full of unlimited possibilities and potential. Don’t take away their sweet childhood dreams, because they will pay a high price for it later. These new generation children are completely different from those before, and I believe that with good guidance and protection, they are capable of great things if we let them. The old matrix has run its course, and with the new one, we must dare to dream, do, and build together. Because who wouldn’t want a fantasy utopian life? That’s what the New Age is about—returning to ourselves, living and being in harmony with nature and others. 

I wish for everybody a very good weekend and blessed March! 

Heal the energy that holds you back

You are meant to have unlimited amounts of love and abundance...SOO let's learn how to heal what blocks this and let your soul shine brightly!

The Shadow Within is my current eBook series that helps you identify specific shadows. You can check out the free & extended books, with tons of reviews, right here : https://stan.store/loveagainjen

Lee Harris - It is important to make time for silence - 28.02.2025

We're in a very stimulated and stimulating time, and it's not going to slow down in the outside world, so we have to find the ways that we slow ourselves down. You might need to schedule moments of free time; you might need to leave a note or a reminder on your calendar or your alarm on your phone. Have you stopped and breathed for five minutes? And schedule those things if you're really struggling and feeling overwhelmed. There is going to be an incredible power in silence. And with all of the healing energy around at the moment, try and find ways to stop and be present for just short moments - it doesn't always need to be three weeks on holiday if we're regulating our nervous systems by regularly stepping away from simulation. That's our responsibility and only we can do it.

-Lee Harris

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - The watchmaker is moving the gears - 27.02.2025

FEBRUARY 27 2025


Right now there are deep ferments taking place in the inner worlds preparing the huge change that will unfold in a rapid way.
The cazimi of the planets at the clock,
some of the personal planets are also moving back and forth there,
is connected to the adjustments of the chakras/clocks and all the spheres/bodies is connection to time.
Though astrologers do not really write about
the meaning of the clock and the 0° of Aries point for the ascension process,
I have been shown via the work through the Acropolis crystalline portal that this has been the main and higher point of change.
Since December 2022, when time from the realm of Kronos returned back to its organic flow, under the guidance of Jupiter,
every planet that moves through the clock, receives a huge upgrade and adjustment breaking through to a new level.
The same energies are being received in our inner worlds!
Now the pressure is big
because many of the planets are there and Neptune and later Saturn and Ceres/Demetra are getting ready to receive this upgrade and break through over to the new energy.
Also Venus and Mercury will move back and forth over this point in the upcoming weeks and this is not by accident!
It is like the great watch maker is performing surgical adjustments in the multidimensional clock, changing its gears, affecting every part of its function in this realm and also other realms related to ours.
Nothing and no one can stop the watch maker and his change and it all depends on the level of awareness and surrender that one has.
Procrastinating, complaining or resisting, fighting back or insisting via the old ways, is really not wise now.
There is a real transformation that is taking place.
The watch maker has been speaking for a long time
and now he is proceeding with just performing the necessary changes.
No one can say that they do not know.
Everyone has been informed, so everyone knows about this change.
What I observe very much lately is that the resistance is mainly coming
from the masculine energies/aspects within both men and women!
They deny letting go of the old ways or taking the lesson and change
and they are insisting on having it their own way.
This is a very stubborn old energy.
So these energies have to clearly know that there is no other way and if they continue like this,
it will only bring them more suffering and forced head-on collision.
Only this time there is danger in this, it is not like other times,
so this should not be taken lightly.
The watch maker is powerful and objective, working for the good of all.
The world needs to listen.
We will witness heads being taken in many different ways.
What is coming is so magnificent, so sacred,
so unique and so divine for the whole world
that it is the biggest blessing
and it will not be stopped by those who stubbornly and ignorantly persist in their incompetence.
They will just be removed one way or another.
We have already been witnessing lately how
many who avoided adjustment to the new energy even after a lot of support and many messages and signs,
they simply got removed.
During the last Solstice Magna Mater returned,
the Feminine Pyramids were activated and the great correction and recalibration between the masculine and feminine, began.
Many of these pyramids will be found again!
This is huge!
But what is coming this May,
it is even greater and more amazing!
But for now, one question is very important for the current phase,
what can help the smooth change of the inner gears???

- We will talk about this in our open gathering tomorrow
Participation at 144000diamonds@gmail.com
On Tuesday, March 25 2025
at 17:00 Athens time
at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
our international 5D Gathering in Greece this May,
please send your email
at internationalevents5d@gmail.com
Blessings of Wisdom!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 24.02.2025

Trump revolution will lead to a system collapse, communist China will be the last domino to fall

You can read the full report here:


Cosmic Gateway - Feeling a little weird right now? - 27.02.2025

Have you been feeling a little strange over the past few hours?
Well, as one of the many energetic components at play right now as we are about to close out February & we have the incoming of Pisces New Moon
The Schumann Resonance is showing some very strange anomalies on the chart right now...

Things you might be experienced are:
Hyper sensitive lots of emotions are coming up for release
heaviness in the body
very strange technology glitches
Feeling a tightness and churning in the stomach & solar plexus
Very vivid & strange dreams
There is an awareness that there is lots of darkness within the collective rising to the surface
the field is very busy with everything going major, unravelling is in progress
what else are you sensing?
March is going to be huge & explosive is what it feels as many of us are undergoing a very intense preparation phase right now
Keep moving through in the best way possible, perhaps try something new outside your usual tool kit to get centred..
Perhaps share in the comments things that support you to give others something new to try.

Much love
Alisha Braché

Alex Myles - New Moon in Pisces - 27.02.2025

The New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini is a potent time of deep emotions, vivid dreams, and powerful transformation. Pisces awakens intuition, creativity, and spiritual insight, while Jupiter amplifies everything it touches, expanding possibilities and encouraging you to dream bigger than ever before.

This energy feels full of potential, pushing you toward new possibilities, but it can also be overwhelming if you don’t stay grounded. It’s a time of contradictions—there’s a strong pull to move forward, but at the same time, caution is needed to ensure your choices are realistic.
New Moons bring fresh starts, making this the perfect time to set intentions and plant seeds for the future. However, Jupiter’s square to this New Moon complicates the energy. A square in astrology creates tension that forces action. Something in your life is shifting, and decisions must be made. 

This isn’t a time to sit back and wait—things are unfolding whether you’re ready or not. The key is to move with intention rather than impulse.

Jupiter is the planet of luck, growth, and expansion, but it also exaggerates everything. When it squares the New Moon in Pisces, emotions and expectations become larger than life. You might feel an overwhelming sense of optimism, believing that anything is possible, but it’s important to ask yourself whether what you’re chasing is real or just an illusion. 

The excitement and inspiration are strong, but so is the risk of misjudging a situation. Not everything is as it seems, and not every idea will lead to success. If something feels too good to be true, take a closer look before diving in.

With Jupiter in Gemini, the energy is fast-moving and scattered. Gemini thrives on new ideas, quick thinking, and constant movement, while Pisces prefers to flow with emotions and intuition. This clash can create mental overload and emotional confusion. 

One moment, you may feel confident in your next steps, and the next, doubt creeps in. You may find yourself pulled in multiple directions, making it difficult to focus. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, slow down and take a breath. Clarity will come when you give yourself time to process what’s happening.

Relationships may feel heightened under this energy. Pisces brings deep emotional connections, and Jupiter amplifies whatever it touches. This could make love feel magical, almost like a fairytale, but it can also create unrealistic expectations. You may idealize a partner, overlook red flags, or believe in a connection that isn’t as solid as it appears. 

If something in your love life feels too perfect, take a step back and make sure you’re seeing it clearly. Love should feel deep and meaningful, but it also needs to be real and built on a strong foundation.

Pisces enhances intuition, making this an important time for reflection and spiritual growth. However, because of the square to Jupiter, it’s easy to confuse intuition with wishful thinking. Pay attention to your inner voice, but also take a moment to verify whether your instincts are coming from a place of clarity or from a desire to believe in something that may not be true. This is a great time to meditate, journal, and reconnect with yourself, but also to approach big decisions with patience and discernment.

Spiritually, this New Moon is a reminder to surrender and trust the process. Pisces teaches that not everything needs to be logical—sometimes the best way forward is to let go and allow life to unfold. 

With Jupiter involved, divine timing is at play. If things aren’t happening the way you expected, that doesn’t mean they aren’t happening at all. Trust that the Universe has a bigger plan in motion. What feels like a delay may actually be a redirection toward something even better.

Dream big, but stay grounded. Follow your intuition, but make sure your choices are based on reality, not illusions. Take action, but don’t rush into something without thinking it through. Embrace the magic of this New Moon, but don’t let it carry you too far from what’s real. 

The Universe is opening doors, but not every door is meant for you. Pay attention to your instincts, but don’t let excitement cloud your judgment. This is a time of transformation, emotions are heightened, and opportunities for growth are appearing. Move forward with confidence, but do so wisely, thoughtfully, and with an open heart.

Here is how the New Moon in Pisces may impact each sign:

Aries, this is a moment of deep insight, transformation, and inner awakening. Your intuition is stronger than ever, bringing sudden realizations, vivid dreams, and gut feelings that point you toward something new. The Universe is sending you clear signs—trust them, even if they don’t fully make sense yet.
This New Moon is helping you release old fears, limiting beliefs, and emotional weight that no longer serve you. By embracing this period of reflection, you are making space for bold new beginnings and powerful opportunities.
You don’t always have to charge ahead—sometimes, the most important growth happens in stillness. Listen to your instincts, trust the process, and know that clarity will come at the perfect moment. When the time is right, you’ll be ready to move forward with more confidence and purpose than ever before. Your next chapter is waiting—step into it with courage.
Angel Number: 12:12
This number is a reminder that you are on the brink of significant growth. In order to move forward, you must release what is no longer serving you. Trust that the Universe is preparing you for a new beginning.
"I trust my intuition and allow divine timing to guide me. My path is unfolding perfectly, even when I cannot see the full picture."

The New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter is a powerful time for healing, releasing, and manifesting the life, love, and success you truly deserve. This energy is helping you shed old wounds, clear emotional blocks, and let go of anything that no longer aligns with your growth. Your friendships, goals, and dreams are in focus, urging you to surround yourself with people who uplift and support you—and to step away from anything that feels draining or unbalanced.
With Jupiter in Gemini, opportunities for expansion are everywhere, but before you move forward, you must first release the past and make space for what’s meant for you. The Universe is guiding you toward clarity, renewal, and deep emotional healing. This is a time to let go of doubts and trust that what’s leaving is only making room for something better.
As you heal, you become a magnet for the right opportunities and relationships. This New Moon is your invitation to step into your power, embrace your worth, and welcome the abundance waiting for you. Say goodbye to what no longer serves you and watch as the Universe fills your life with love, fulfillment, and new beginnings.
Angel Number: 222
This number signifies balance, patience, and alignment. Even if things feel uncertain right now, the right people and opportunities are aligning for you. Trust the process.
"I attract relationships and opportunities that support my highest good. Everything is falling into place at the perfect time."

The New Moon in Pisces is bringing you a powerful opportunity to clear old energy, heal through communication, and step into a new level of confidence, Gemini. This is a time to express yourself openly, release past misunderstandings, and use your words to create new beginnings. Whether it’s having an honest conversation, sharing your ideas, or writing down what you’re ready to leave behind, communication is your key to transformation.
With Jupiter in your sign, inspiration is flowing, and doors are opening, but not everything deserves your time and energy. Before rushing into new opportunities, take a moment to reflect—are you moving toward something truly fulfilling, or just chasing distractions? Career growth and exciting possibilities are on the horizon, but the best opportunities will come when you speak your truth, set clear intentions, and align with what genuinely excites your soul.
This New Moon is your chance to let go of old doubts, break free from limiting beliefs, and use your voice to create the success you desire. By choosing clarity, authenticity, and meaningful connections, you will attract the right people, the right projects, and the right opportunities effortlessly. Trust in your ability to speak your dreams into existence and watch as the Universe responds.
Angel Number: 11:11
This is a powerful manifestation number, signaling that a new opportunity is opening. Be intentional with your thoughts and actions, as they are creating your future.
"I am successful and confident in my unique path. I trust that my efforts will lead me to the fulfillment I seek."

The New Moon in Pisces is reminding you to slow down, nurture yourself, and create space for personal renewal, Cancer. Instead of constantly seeking answers outside of yourself, this is a time to pause, rest, and reconnect with what truly brings you peace. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed or uncertain, the clarity you’re looking for will come when you step back, prioritize self-care, and allow yourself to simply be.
Jupiter in Gemini may have your mind buzzing with possibilities, but not every opportunity needs to be acted on immediately. Take time to process, reflect, and realign before making big decisions. Whether that means journaling, meditating, spending time near water, or simply being present with loved ones, this is about recharging your spirit and finding inspiration in stillness.
True growth isn’t just about expanding your knowledge or exploring new ideas—it’s also about learning to care for yourself in deeper, more meaningful ways. This New Moon encourages you to slow down, trust that everything is unfolding as it should, and focus on what makes you feel truly whole. By making yourself a priority, you’ll naturally attract the wisdom, opportunities, and personal breakthroughs you’ve been seeking.
Angel Number: 77
This number is a sign of divine guidance. You are on a spiritual path, and the Universe is leading you toward something significant. Keep trusting the process.
"I embrace growth, new experiences, and divine wisdom. I trust that the Universe is leading me to my highest potential."

The New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter is a powerful time for deep healing, self-love, and emotional renewal. This energy is guiding you to release old wounds, break free from limiting beliefs, and embrace the most authentic version of yourself. Whether you're feeling called to let go of past pain, step into a new chapter, or simply reconnect with your heart, this is your moment to heal from the inside out and create a life that truly aligns with your soul.
You may feel emotions rising to the surface—memories, fears, or doubts that have been quietly holding you back. Instead of resisting them, allow yourself to feel, process, and release. The Universe is reminding you that true healing happens when you accept yourself fully, without judgment. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to wait for the right moment. You are already enough, exactly as you are.
If you’ve been feeling stuck, this is your sign to choose yourself, trust your journey, and know that healing is not about fixing—it’s about allowing yourself to grow and transform. The more you open your heart to self-acceptance, forgiveness, and love, the more the universe will reflect that back to you in the form of peace, happiness, and abundance. You are stepping into a new beginning—trust in your own healing, and watch as everything starts to fall into place.
Angel Number: 888
A powerful number of abundance, success, and balance. Something is shifting, and a new phase of growth is beginning.
"I release what no longer serves me and welcome abundance in all forms. I trust in the process of transformation."

The New Moon in Pisces is opening the door for deeper, more meaningful connections, Virgo. This is your time to strengthen relationships that truly support and uplift you, attract new connections that align with your values, and bring more love, harmony, and understanding into your life. Some relationships will naturally deepen, while others may need adjustments—trust that you have the power to create balance, set healthy boundaries, and nurture the connections that bring you peace and fulfillment.
Your analytical mind is a gift, but be mindful of overthinking emotions or second-guessing the love and support that already exists around you. Instead of dwelling on uncertainties, focus on the joy, trust, and warmth in your closest relationships. The more you open your heart and allow yourself to be fully present, the more your relationships will thrive. If a connection feels draining, trust your intuition and gracefully shift your energy toward those who bring out your best self.
If you’re single, this is a powerful time to set intentions for attracting a deep, meaningful connection—one that aligns with your heart, values, and long-term happiness. If you’re in a relationship, this energy encourages open-hearted conversations, emotional renewal, and a stronger, more secure bond. The Universe is guiding you toward fulfilling, loving relationships—trust the process, stay open, and allow love in all its forms to flow freely into your life.
Angel Number: 44
This number signifies protection, stability, and divine support in your relationships. The right people are being placed in your life, and the wrong ones are leaving for a reason.
"I attract relationships that align with my highest good. My connections are built on trust, love, and respect."

The New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter is a powerful moment for you, Libra—a time to make decisions, set boundaries, and choose the life you truly want. If you've been feeling pulled in too many directions, overwhelmed by commitments, or stuck in routines that no longer serve you, this is your opportunity to pause, reset, and take charge of your well-being.
With Jupiter in Gemini, your mind is full of ideas, and opportunities may seem endless. But not everything is worth your time. This is your chance to get clear on what truly matters and start making choices that support your long-term happiness, health, and success. If you've been overcommitting or saying yes to things out of obligation, it's time to simplify, focus, and create a daily life that feels balanced and fulfilling.
This New Moon is asking you to be intentional with your energy. If your schedule drains you, restructure it. If your habits feel out of alignment, change them. Prioritize self-care, establish a routine that supports your goals, and surround yourself with people who uplift you. When you start choosing yourself, everything else falls into place. The life you want is within reach, and it begins with the choices you make today.
Angel Number: 66
This number is about restoring harmony and self-care. The Universe is reminding you to focus on your well-being instead of external distractions.
"I honor my mind, body, and spirit. My daily habits support my highest well-being."

The New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter is heightening your intuition, psychic awareness, and ability to see beyond the surface, Scorpio. This is a time of deep clarity—where illusions dissolve, hidden truths emerge, and your instincts become your most powerful guide. Whether it's in love, creativity, or personal transformation, you are being shown what is real, meaningful, and aligned with your soul’s purpose.
With Jupiter in Gemini, opportunities for passion, romance, and self-expression are expanding, but not everything is as it seems. You may be drawn to intense experiences, but trust that your intuition will reveal what is genuine and lasting versus what is fleeting and unfulfilling. If something feels off, listen to that inner knowing. Your psychic senses are razor-sharp right now, giving you the ability to read between the lines, recognize hidden motives, and cut through illusions with ease.
This New Moon is a portal to deep transformation and personal power. Use this energy to manifest what truly excites your soul—whether that’s a creative passion, a destined relationship, or a spiritual awakening. Step fully into your magic, trust your instincts, and allow your authentic desires to lead you. The more you embrace your truth, the more effortlessly the universe aligns the right people, opportunities, and experiences in your path.
Angel Number: 99
A chapter in your life is ending, making way for something new. Embrace the change with an open heart.
"I allow creativity, love, and passion to flow freely in my life. I welcome new beginnings with excitement."

The New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter is stirring deep emotions, Sagittarius, bringing up memories, nostalgia, and a longing for emotional security. You may find yourself reminiscing about the past, reconnecting with childhood memories, or feeling more sentimental than usual. This is a powerful time to reflect on what home truly means to you—whether that’s a place, a person, or an inner sense of peace.
You may feel called to strengthen family bonds, revisit an old connection, or make peace with something from your past. If you've been feeling untethered, this New Moon is asking you to create a space that feels safe and comforting, whether that means redecorating, moving, or simply surrounding yourself with people who feel like home.
With Jupiter in Gemini, part of you still craves excitement and change, but something inside is urging you to slow down and reconnect with your roots. You don’t have to choose between freedom and security—you can build a strong emotional foundation while still embracing adventure.
This is your chance to heal, release emotional baggage, and create the stability you need before stepping into your next big journey. Let yourself feel, process, and appreciate the past for what it taught you, but don’t let it hold you back. By grounding yourself now, you’ll be ready for the exciting new opportunities ahead.
Angel Number: 333
You are supported and guided in your emotional healing. The Universe is helping you create stability.
"I am safe, supported, and deeply connected to those who matter most. My home is a place of love and peace."

The New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter is a powerful time for healing, slowing down, and finding clarity, Capricorn. This energy is inviting you to step back, breathe, and focus on what truly nourishes your soul. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, lost in responsibilities, or emotionally drained, this is your reminder to pause, reflect, and reset. True progress doesn’t always come from doing more—it comes from giving yourself space to recharge and heal.
With Jupiter in Gemini, your mind may be buzzing with ideas, but not everything needs an immediate answer. Right now, the focus is on sorting through your thoughts, tuning into your intuition, and releasing mental clutter. If you've been carrying emotional weight, avoiding a tough conversation, or unsure of your next step, this New Moon encourages you to let go of what no longer serves you and create space for fresh energy to flow in.
Relationships may also come into focus—this is a powerful time to mend misunderstandings, reach out to someone important, or allow yourself to move on from the past. Whether it’s about healing an old wound, offering or accepting forgiveness, or simply gaining peace within yourself, this energy supports emotional renewal. Not all closure comes from others—sometimes, the healing you need comes from within.
This New Moon is also a reminder to prioritize self-care and rest. If you’ve been pushing yourself too hard, give yourself permission to slow down. A clear mind and open heart will lead you to the answers you’re looking for. Trust that taking a step back now will bring the clarity, peace, and strength you need to move forward when the time is right. Embrace stillness, allow healing to happen, and trust that everything is aligning for your highest good.
Angel Number: 777
This number is a sign that deep healing, spiritual growth, and clarity are unfolding. Trust that taking time to rest and reflect will lead you to the answers you seek. The Universe is guiding you toward emotional renewal—listen to your inner voice and allow yourself to realign.
"I release the past and embrace healing. I trust that clarity and peace will come when I allow myself to rest and recharge."

The New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter is supercharging your ability to manifest financial success, personal growth, and long-term stability, Aquarius. This is not just about dreaming—it’s about setting powerful intentions and taking action toward the prosperous future you know you’re meant for. You have big goals, and this energy is here to help you align with the wealth, success, and self-worth you deserve.
With Jupiter in Gemini, fresh opportunities for financial growth, career expansion, and new income sources may appear. Now is the time to think big, make smart moves, and trust in your ability to create lasting success. Avoid short-term thinking or impulsive decisions—real abundance comes from building a strong foundation that will support you for years to come. If you've been carrying limiting beliefs about money or doubting your worth, this is the moment to release them. Wealth is not just about numbers—it’s about confidence, trust, and knowing you are worthy of the life you desire.
This New Moon is an open door to financial empowerment and greater self-belief. Use this energy wisely—set bold goals, embrace new opportunities, and align yourself with success. The Universe is fully supporting your vision, and the more intentional you are, the more abundance will flow into your life.
Angel number: 88
This number is a powerful sign of financial prosperity, success, and limitless opportunities. It reminds you that abundance is your birthright—the effort you put in now will bring major rewards. Stay focused, trust your abilities, and know that financial breakthroughs are on the way.
"I am aligned with abundance and prosperity. I attract success, wealth, and financial freedom with confidence and ease."

The New Moon in Pisces is a cosmic blessing for you, Pisces, bringing abundance, fortune, and powerful new beginnings. This is your New Moon—one of the most magical times of the year to set intentions and manifest your biggest dreams. You are stepping into a new chapter, releasing the past, and welcoming prosperity, success, and personal transformation.
With the Moon square Jupiter, opportunities are everywhere, and luck is on your side. You may feel pulled in many directions, but the key is to trust your inner wisdom and align with what truly feels right. The more you embrace your authentic self and highest vision, the more effortlessly good fortune, success, and positive changes will flow into your life.
This New Moon is a golden opportunity to manifest wealth, happiness, and limitless expansion. Whether it's career success, financial abundance, or personal growth, the Universe is lining up blessings for you. Say yes to your dreams, believe in your worth, and step into this new phase with confidence. The prosperity, love, and success you desire are already making their way to you.
Angel Number: 1010
A new cycle is beginning, and you are being divinely guided toward your highest path. Step forward with confidence.
"I fully embrace my true self and trust that the Universe is guiding me toward my highest potential."

Lee Harris - Multiplying heart energy & you are going to be living in a very purposeful way - 27.02.2025

Multiplying heart energy is using your heart to be kind to other people, to do an action for another person that's going to help them or that they tell you they need help with. It shows up in different ways. Not everybody is the squishy-heart energy, lovey-dovey let-me-cuddle-you kind of heart energy. Heart energy, when it's aligned with purpose, is very powerful. People who have merged their divine intelligence and their heart, they do incredible actions in the world that can affect an enormous amount of people - but it starts with one. You affect one person and the ripple effect will take care of the rest.

-Lee Harris


Those of you who identify as change-makers, healers, creatives and innovators - more of you are going to be living in a very purposeful way. It is going to get easier to do and be in your purpose, and everything will come together to support that purpose. 

-Lee Harris

Natalia Alba - New Moon in Pisces harmonizing with Jupiter - 27.02.2025

Beloved Ones,

We continue crossing into a new frequency band, integrating Piscean frequencies and continue acting as Divine Unifiers in our conscious choice to assist our planetary transition.
Many of you will feel the intensity of the shift occurring at this time in your sixth and seventh-dimensional bodies, as you continue transfiguring your three-dimensional bodies, losing density and stepping into physical ascension, and realigning to your Divine Selves, a process that the current energies greatly support.

Today, with the New Moon in Pisces harmonizing with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, we initiate a new passage towards self-illumination that will continue until the Lunar eclipse in Virgo. We are under a portal of soul remembrance and integration like never before.
As I recently shared, this is a key passage for those of you who are consciously activating your pituitary and pineal gland, as Piscean energies will help us enhance our inner vision, receiving authentic guidance from our God Self, to see our new path with clarity, as no one can truly know what path is best for us but ourselves.

Many of you are now activating your pituitary gland and hence your seventh dimensional channels. As you awaken your inner vision, you will reconnect to your original essence, one of infinite love and hence limitless abundance and possibilities, something that this New Moon in Pisces semi-sextile Venus, which too turns "retrograde" in Aries, on the 1st of March, reminds us.

We are at a time when moving inward and communing with our soul is pivotal to remembering who we are and our divine nature, as when we are aligned to our divinity, we are too living in constant expansion and abundance, for there is no such thing as stagnation within Creation.

Pisces teaches us the importance of removing false limited programs that distort our true nature as creators, for it is with Pisces that we finally restore our 12th-dimensional template. One of the lessons that Pisces offers us is the ultimate transcendence of all the old mental programming and beliefs that we used to hold within, as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and therefore the one who has already discovered all the aspects of himself, integrating all the challenges/lessons required to embody a higher level of awareness, that will allow us to see the Truth, instead of the old illusion in which we were immersed.

My Guides share the importance while we are still navigating in Piscean Waters, before stepping into Aries, to see beyond the "Storm", understanding it is just a transitional phase to get to where we are heading - a free sovereign space - from where we finally rise from self-created restrictions and consciousness traps.

Now more than ever, yours is the choice to continue crossing the threshold that liberates you and all of us, from consciousness slavery. Many of you are choosing to cross this new interdimensional door, as you too choose to completely remove the old from your lives, bodies, and relationships, creating new ways of being, living, and relating to others.

It is a time to dream big, remembering that God gave us all the inner resources necessary to bring all of our dreams to fruition. We no longer wait for outer forces to fulfill our desires, as we recognize ourselves as the only creators of our personal life experience, and as such, we shall act, within divine love and agreement with the Universal Laws to continue bringing restoration, peace and compassion to All.
May your transition into the New be filled with peace, joy and grace, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: deepdiverq

Vilma Capuano - Symptoms of the change from a carbon body to a crystalline body - 27.02.2025


All incarnates are experiencing more or less intense symptoms as the carbon body begins to disintegrate - exhaustion, depression, anguish, disorientation, not belonging - each one lives their own experience of “collapse”.

Everything that manifests physically vibrates in a certain frequency range for the human Senses to perceive. But many are unaware that these are signs of Ascension and do not perceive it as a vibrational change in the body's bioelectromagnetic system.

The physical body responds with pain to the demands of Self-resurrection. The change in diet and emotions serve as conduits of release in this restructuring that causes fatigue.

Your energy is simply balancing itself.

This is your journey because you are ready.

The mutation causes:

Disorientation; You are no longer in 3D, you have advanced, and you are about to anchor yourself in your “new place”. You no longer tolerate certain environments, people, conversations. You may have created a situation that seems like your worst nightmare, know that your soul is leading you to amplify the authentic aspects of yourself. Evolve.

Deep depression - Phases of the Dark Night of the Soul - by releasing the energies of the Pain Body/Shadow Body, such as traumas and lack of love for yourself. There is a lot of external and internal pressure that makes you question the meaning of your own existence to find the courage to free yourself from toxic relationships and learn Self-Love.

Anxiety and panic: the ego is losing control over the formed identity, behavior and desires change to higher standards, hence the fear of feeling vulnerable and powerless.

Perceiving Presences, hearing buzzing or your name - it is a higher type of communication.

Sensation of tingling, levitation, numbness when relaxing; sweating, chills and changes in body temperature, itching, skin rashes – this is the activation of dormant strands of the Divine Original DNA.

Extreme sensitivity when restoring higher psychic extrasensory abilities – smell, vision and hearing are amplified and enhanced.

Matter is refined at the cellular level in the blood, muscles, bones. The new vibration changes the functioning of the organs.

The heart center and emotions are emptied.

Everything ferments to be transformed. Fevers, flus, unusual pains in different parts happen while you are vibrating in a higher dimension and releasing the pent-up energy that vibrates in 3D.

Vilma Capuano

Judith Kusel - there in your heart and in your soul that needs now to come to the fore, to be expressed - 27.02.2025

"There is so much little ones that is there in your heart and in your soul that needs now to come to the fore, to be expressed. When your heart and soul are fully opened and love is there overflowing, you cannot be anything other than the truth of who you are, and it flows out of you and every encounter becomes a holy and sacred encounter. You leave golden footprints wherever you go, also golden footprints in the hearts of those whom you encounter. Imagine going out into your day and sowing those golden seeds in the hearts and souls, to bring that smile to another's face, to bring hope to the hopeless, encouragement to those who are battling.

Imagine if you can extend that to all life and life forms, to the elements and the elementals, to the plants and the trees and the mineral kingdoms, to the insects, to the birds, to the animals, to the sea and in the air and in the land. You're not helpless, you're powerful, beyond measure. If you cannot be in a place physically then go and send it through your heart, beautiful white and gold energy into those places. Use a violet flame to transmute all the old negative energy. Be the one who unites Souls instead of sowing division. The more you do this, the more radiant you will become, the more illumined from within and then it will not even be an effort, it will just come effortlessly.

There is something profound happening in us. Every single second of every single day is filled with miracles, the miracle of new life and new beginnings of new birth. Go and look into the eyes of the new children, see how they look at you with wise eyes, fully awake. Some of them are already 11th dimensional souls, coming in from the 7th Central sum of Illumination. Heed the children, look after them, nurture them so that they can express their genius from the word go. Do not overfeed them with electronics, electronics are jarring their systems. These are highly enlightened Souls who vibrate at an extremely high frequency and need only pure organic food to eat and to live as organically and purely as possible.

Be the ones who enlighten others about it. You could do that in little baby steps and every time you come across one another, whether you know them or not, or you know the parents or not, go and bless them. Simply open your heart and beam the energy from your heart into his and communicate telepathically. You can do that, it comes naturally and put the Flower of Life patterns in your home in some form or another, even if you don't know all the sacred symbols that are contained within that one, it will immediately boost your energy and the energy of your home."

Lord Melchizedek, transmitted through me, during "The Cosmic Transmissions" Course.
Photo: Mario Duguay

I ask apology


Alyonna Angelica - New Moon - 26.02.2025

Feb 27th/28th.
We are living through extraordinary times.
From this moment forward, things are changing at an incredible pace. All you can do is flow in high frequency.
Honour your journey and celebrate yourself. You deserve it.
For this new moon energy, I picked Somedays by Tess Parks @iamtessparks
Love Always,
Alyonna Angelica

Pam Gregory - New Moon in Pisces 28th Friday 2025

We're building towards the New Moon at 9°41' Pisces on Friday 28th. See where this falls in your chart and don't forget to set a new intention for the new seed you want to plant in your life.

We are shifting through a huge transformation in many areas of life of endings and beginnings. So although this New Moon as always with New Moons is about birthing the new, with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, there is a very strong sense of endings of an old world.

Most certainly many of us can see the old structures and systems of the old world we have known cracking and crumbling, but this will be aspecting our personal lives too. Are you feeing in a liminal zone where you are aware of areas of life, jobs, friendships, romances are outgrown now, but the new has not yet arrived? There may be a sense of fogginess, being unclear, overwhelmed, unsure of your foundations and your footing. What once seemed long term suddenly doesn't seem that way.

For many of us we will move away from aspects of our lives. Relationships come into high focus in this regard, especially as both Venus and Mercury are moving retrograde in Aries soon, which I will be discussing in the next update video. They both begin their retrogrades at 10° Aries in March and re-enter Pisces at the end of March, retreating back to 26° (Mercury) and 24° (Venus) Pisces in April before turning direct again.

So please see which house(s) are being activated by these retrogrades from 10° Aries to 24° Pisces. For all of us too, with the North Node and Neptune at 27° and 28° respectively, there is a move towards the intangible, the spiritual, a sense of the divine, the ethereal, maybe the elementals, nature, meditation and breathwork. These things may become more important for you now as the material world takes more of a back seat in your life.

Try to observe these inner shifts first before making any quick decisions as although Neptune exits Pisces on March 30th to enter Aries, it will re-enter Pisces October 2025-January 2026. The beginning of Aries is about more clarity, new beginnings and projects, and activity and initiating.

However we are not there yet. Information may seem overwhelming with Jupiter in Gemini square to this New Moon, and we can't determine what's true and what's not. You will need to drop into your heart, rather than your head, to determine the truth for you.

The big word for this time is 'YEARNING', especially seeing which houses the sign of Pisces falls in your chart, particularly the last few degrees where we have Neptune and the North Node, for this also speaks to our collective souls' path of growth at this time.

There is a sense of wanting - yearning even - to move to a more ideal life which is more sensitive, compassionate, peaceful and spiritually-based. How do we achieve that, you may be wondering? Also go back to the second half of 2006 and see what was happening for you in the same area of life that is being activated now, as the North Node was transiting the late degrees of Pisces then. The sense of yearning may not have been so strong then as Neptune hadn't entered Pisces at that point, but you should be able to identify some changes that happened in that area of life. Was it a change in your home? Relationship? Job? Health? Finances? There is likely to be some echo this time around, but the yearning aspect is much bigger now, and probably encompassing more areas of life too.

Feel a sense of divine surrender in terms of messages, dreams in particular, people, opportunities, that are coming onto your radar right now and how you are reacting to them. Observe. Stay neutral as far as you are able, but see what new patterns are being formed as the new you. Flow with the energy. What and whom have you already outgrown? What is no longer working? Where would you love to make a radical change?

Our world is going to change very rapidly this year so the context of your old life may not even apply going forwards. View this with excitement, and see yourself in the chrysalis of a one-way, unique metamorphosis.
Many blessings to you all.

New Moon in Pisces February 28th 2025