Each time a new challenge arises it provides us to dig deeper into the unknown layers. In the face of chaos and change the goal is the breaking down of patterns, for the deep integration of discovery, to let feelings pass without clinging to the stories that the mind appreciates repeating prolonging suffering.
Disorientation is the effect of "stirring the pot", and bringing up what was buried.
In this process the Soul cultivates the inner soil for a new harvest.
The rotten grains formed by painful experiences appear in a swirl and transmuted.
Some have harder shells, which are opened up to dissolve, leaving room for new ones to germinate.
It's a time of internal earthquakes, a collapse of reality, and of Recovery, for the Grind to happen... when then the grains become The Pure Essence embedded in the Soul to enjoy Life on Earth.
The Harvest is transmuted into grains of Light that the Soul carries spiritually Back Home, its Stellar Home.
Wilma Capuano. Concluding text after reading Article by Jean Tinder, prof. Carmesin Circle (The Harvest of the Farmers Soul)
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