"The Awakening of the Higher Soul:
The intense shift now into higher dimensional states, according to the degree that every soul is ready for this, and to the degree of every person’s light quotient level, the higher faculties of the ninety-two chambers of the Third Eye open at higher dimensional levels.
What is awakening is the One Single Eye, the All Seeing, All Hearing, All Knowing, and now the Third Eye, and the Crown merge with the Heart and Higher Heart as well as the Causal Chakra just above the Crown, and of course the Throat chakra as well.
As this happens, many souls (especially women) will have soul memories surface of severe persecution in other lifetimes, where they did use these higher faculties, as oracles, as psychics, as mediums, healers, and often this combined with the ability to utilize sound as well – like their singing voices, telepathy, teleportation, bilocation, for which they were known for. Mainly because the Divine Feminine holds these faculties intuitively.
During Ancient Times, all the Mystery Schools, had oracle temples and here the High Priestess hood resided, long before, like which happened in Delphi, the patriarchy took control and then suddenly it was Apollo who then is made the hero who slays the ‘serpent.” The “serpent” was no other than the telluric energy which rises from deep underground and thus enhanced the oracles abilities. Kundalini energy, blending with Kundalini energy and thus the full activation of the “” Winged Rod of Power.” Originally there were twelve High Priestesses who resided at Delphi, and Delphi in fact is far older than is currently believed.
This site linked directly with that of the Isis Island in the Nile (where the alter Philae Temple stood, now moved to another island, but you cannot move earth energy), and a very sacred site in the Egyptian Desert. They formed a sacred Triad.
There triads are now fully activated again, and many of the souls who once were the Oracles in these temples were born again and will start remembering in the highest degrees their true destiny. I know this to be true for myself.
Now, as these faculties awaken to the fullest, (and interesting in the Chinese Year of the Wood Serpent), they will again step to the fore, as they all agreed to assist those souls through the immense changes ahead, as all now changes form.
Note these oracle sites were all over the world, (there used to be a very powerful oracle temple on what is now IONA, which has sunk under the sea), and these will rise now in their true profundity, for they act as portals between heaven and earth These Cosmic Portals are now reconnected again to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination! For the Oracle sites were always great places of Illumination, where the most sacred esoteric and metaphysical knowledge was held and stored in energy fields.
If you are one of those dormant souls, who will now intensely awaken, then know that this is meant to be, as the Divine Feminine will make her presence known increasingly powerfully as the greater awakening now is occurring, even in souls who are already awake!
It is time to reclaim our true powers, and to utilize them, lovingly, ever in the highest selfless service, for the highest good of all!
I have spoken.
Watch Poseidon rise in the Mediterranean and Atlantic.
The Ancient Greeks did not erect a Poseidon temple in Greece and in perfect alignment to third one, in Alexandria, by accident, but because they knew!
And the one in Alexandria tore off and now under the sea.... Yet, what all have forgotten about, is the third, also under the sea and perfect triangle.
The Poseidon temple in the Atlantic has been fully activated and is rising.
I encode this message as I will not allow myself to be used as a punching bag.
I am but the messenger....
I will not say more.
Become aware that the earth's changes, are going to occur and all is moving very rapidly now as pressure valves release. Moving, liquid boiling mass, cracking, splitting, moving, erupting, like a giant serpent!
I can see this very clearly, and in unexpected places and ways, which even scientists cannot predict.
It is a splitting open. A mass release on a vast scale, as all is linked.
Earth is a living, breathing entity.
I will not say more.
Those who are aware, are aware.
Those are not, are not.
I am always being reminded of Noah and the ark, a story which repeats itself in mythology all over the world, for it is a collective re-mem-be-ring. Yet, look the new is already here and present! And how! As Librarian I was always fascinated how all events have been recorded in stories handed down for generations.
Rejoice! This too needs to happen as it has been predicted many thousands of years ago.
Yet a new creation has risen, like the Phoenix out of the Old.
And so it is!
Judith Kusel
Photo: All credit to the artist
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