"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - New Moon in Pisces 28th Friday 2025

We're building towards the New Moon at 9°41' Pisces on Friday 28th. See where this falls in your chart and don't forget to set a new intention for the new seed you want to plant in your life.

We are shifting through a huge transformation in many areas of life of endings and beginnings. So although this New Moon as always with New Moons is about birthing the new, with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, there is a very strong sense of endings of an old world.

Most certainly many of us can see the old structures and systems of the old world we have known cracking and crumbling, but this will be aspecting our personal lives too. Are you feeing in a liminal zone where you are aware of areas of life, jobs, friendships, romances are outgrown now, but the new has not yet arrived? There may be a sense of fogginess, being unclear, overwhelmed, unsure of your foundations and your footing. What once seemed long term suddenly doesn't seem that way.

For many of us we will move away from aspects of our lives. Relationships come into high focus in this regard, especially as both Venus and Mercury are moving retrograde in Aries soon, which I will be discussing in the next update video. They both begin their retrogrades at 10° Aries in March and re-enter Pisces at the end of March, retreating back to 26° (Mercury) and 24° (Venus) Pisces in April before turning direct again.

So please see which house(s) are being activated by these retrogrades from 10° Aries to 24° Pisces. For all of us too, with the North Node and Neptune at 27° and 28° respectively, there is a move towards the intangible, the spiritual, a sense of the divine, the ethereal, maybe the elementals, nature, meditation and breathwork. These things may become more important for you now as the material world takes more of a back seat in your life.

Try to observe these inner shifts first before making any quick decisions as although Neptune exits Pisces on March 30th to enter Aries, it will re-enter Pisces October 2025-January 2026. The beginning of Aries is about more clarity, new beginnings and projects, and activity and initiating.

However we are not there yet. Information may seem overwhelming with Jupiter in Gemini square to this New Moon, and we can't determine what's true and what's not. You will need to drop into your heart, rather than your head, to determine the truth for you.

The big word for this time is 'YEARNING', especially seeing which houses the sign of Pisces falls in your chart, particularly the last few degrees where we have Neptune and the North Node, for this also speaks to our collective souls' path of growth at this time.

There is a sense of wanting - yearning even - to move to a more ideal life which is more sensitive, compassionate, peaceful and spiritually-based. How do we achieve that, you may be wondering? Also go back to the second half of 2006 and see what was happening for you in the same area of life that is being activated now, as the North Node was transiting the late degrees of Pisces then. The sense of yearning may not have been so strong then as Neptune hadn't entered Pisces at that point, but you should be able to identify some changes that happened in that area of life. Was it a change in your home? Relationship? Job? Health? Finances? There is likely to be some echo this time around, but the yearning aspect is much bigger now, and probably encompassing more areas of life too.

Feel a sense of divine surrender in terms of messages, dreams in particular, people, opportunities, that are coming onto your radar right now and how you are reacting to them. Observe. Stay neutral as far as you are able, but see what new patterns are being formed as the new you. Flow with the energy. What and whom have you already outgrown? What is no longer working? Where would you love to make a radical change?

Our world is going to change very rapidly this year so the context of your old life may not even apply going forwards. View this with excitement, and see yourself in the chrysalis of a one-way, unique metamorphosis.
Many blessings to you all.

New Moon in Pisces February 28th 2025

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