"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Incoming energies are heightening, amplifying and more intensified - 07.02.2025

INCOMING ENERGIES are heightening, amplifying and more intensified. This can have INDIVIDUAL effect on the human bodies of mental, emotional and physical. But can also draw increased awareness and presence to your Energeric Field and Light Body; that which is of inner peace, balance and harmony. Or take you FURTHER into The Stillness. Or FURTHER, in Stillness to All That Is. Union.

Last year ELECTRIC energetics amplified and increased. And will still obviously continue as stronger amounts of Electric Energy enter the body and integrate.

However, ENERGY MAGNETISM has been gradually, subtly increasing this year. Now exponentially so. Energy magnetism will continue to drawn in, and amplify, for several years.
Magnetism has the effect of energetically drawing in Resonant Frequencies.

(For clarity, resonant frequencies doesn’t mean same frequency). Resonant Frequency is ENERGETIC resonance (beyond physical) to variable densities of Light and Vibrations.

At energetic Light Soul level (not human mind level as the soul isn’t human) there is an ongoing amplification of ENERGETIC MAGNETISM from each Soul and Soul Group to energetically resonant soul signatures. This is regardless of the human being ‘awakened’, ‘unawakened’ or it’s stage of ‘awakening’. This will be on going for several years.

Nothing is how is appears at human character level within earthly physical reality (a holographic illusion made of Light, frequencies and vibrations). There will always be more to attune to, as we embody more consciousness. Where each unique perception is always based on consciousness levels. And so the many seemingly individualised perceptions for individualised experiences, yet all is simultaneously within The One, conscious of ITSelf.

With love always,
7 February 2025

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