"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic gateway - X2.03 solar flare - 24.02.2025

Hey Soul Tribe,

How are you feeling? We just had a large X Class Solar Flare come through in the past few hours. I felt this one as I went to bed last night. The buzzing sensation through my entire core as I feel asleep

This energy that has been bubbling for the past week is getting to the core of dismantling lots of cords & energy that's plugged into our system from old matrix dissolving timelines.
This month is certainly feeling like the two toned experience when it comes to timelines.
Have you noticed?

There has been a really big increase in the vibratory field of the energy body.
I've been witnessing this through my own experiences & through clients sessions.

The message came through a week ago, which preseed this energy is "There isn't much time left"

The symbiotic relationship between our energy bodies & the planet is going in sync.
The visual that I keep witnessing is the old structure that has contained each one of us in the old reality, which is dissolving quite rapidly to completely shut down, reset itself & the new to come online.

So this could mean a very intense passageway where much gets stripped away, which will bring up deep sense of loss, grief and lots of releasing on all levels.

Lots of confusion & disorientation as the mind can really struggle to understand the bigger picture of what's occurring right now.

During a meditation yesterday,the curtains were pulled back & I witnessed what awaiting the otherside. It was pure brilliant & vastly different to this experience. The guidance I received was to connect beyond this point now & into what's awaiting

This will help the navigation process significantly & stablaise the pathway through.
I know so many are going through great challenges, right now

Much love
Alisha Braché
Soul Sessions:

Elevation Training "At you're own pace learning" a guide for Energy Self Mastery & Energetic tools for supporting yourself through this very big Collective Energetic Times.

Elevate 2 Training ~ For Divine Partnership & Divine Soul Connection, how to actulise your highest potential within Concious Relationships:

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