"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz - 28.02.2025

The last day has come, and we can say goodbye to February and welcome March this weekend. The energies have been intense this week, with solar flares and the accompanying symptoms possibly making our daily lives more difficult. I even had to take a nap on Tuesday to be able to function somewhat for the rest of the day.

Lately, I've been spending most of my time on my cross-stitch project, which requires a lot of work and patience since this will be the largest piece I've made so far. I’m also very curious to see how closely it will resemble the original image. In the future, I’d like to experiment with different genres, but there's that saying, ""Man proposes but God disposes." We’ll see what comes of these plans.

I uploaded a few pictures to the blog that I created, mainly fantasy images inspired by the World of Warcraft game. Yes, I really like elves—no wonder my favorite character is Drizzt Do'Urden from the Dungeons & Dragons world, created by R.A. Salvatore. Fantasy is my favorite genre, where magic exists, many different races live together in a world, and magical creatures like dragons reside. Fantasy is a spectacular fairytale world where only your imagination can set the limit, and sometimes it’s great to escape our fixed world and dive into this one. 

When I was a little girl, around 3 years old, my stepfather started entertaining me with "magic tricks" to get closer to me, as my parents had divorced. Back then, I didn’t know they were tricks, and I truly believed we had magical powers. It felt so empowering to believe that I had some kind of power and could make things disappear or manifest if I concentrated hard enough, whether it was a playing card or a coin. That was my passion back then—doing magic and becoming better at it. At that time, I believed the world was magical, like the way light shines through a prism.

When my dad took me to his new family, my stepmother had to "play magic" with me too, and she really didn’t like it. One day, the playing cards didn’t disappear when I focused hard on making them vanish. No matter how much I tried, it didn’t work. "Maybe I’m the problem, I’m not concentrating hard enough." My stepmother got fed up with the game and explained that I didn’t have any "magical powers" because they had always been the ones making things disappear and putting them back in place. It felt like a slap in the face—my childlike nature and belief shattered that day, and the world turned gray before my eyes. "So this is how the world works, people have no power..." I thought, and from that day on, I never played "magic tricks" or thought about it again.

But did my family and this world manage to erase that desire from me? No… because I dreamed. In a dream, I was practicing with a friend in a huge cobblestone street, capturing energies, and we even reshaped some of the street's stones, which the city’s residents were not very happy about. Later, I was able to "ride" the wind currents, like when we float on the currents of salty water in this world, and let the wind carry me. Later, I found fantasy books where wizards existed, capable of working with elemental energies, druids who could transform into any animal, and where dragons, griffins, and other mythical creatures lived. I never believed the dragons were greedy, lazy, destructive, or foolish creatures. In fact, I admired them, and deep down, I felt and knew that they weren’t like what this world said about them. Dreams, fantasy books, and games prevented this matrix from completely turning me gray and into a lifeless robot figure.

Later, I fell in love with a series called Heroes, where people got supernatural abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, self-healing, precognition, and manipulating the space-time continuum, among others. Then came Star Wars, and I wanted to be a Jedi. We can call it magic or abilities, but deep down, I believed and longed for these powers as if they belonged to me or as if I had them "once upon a time," making the world complete and exciting.

In reality, these so-called supernatural abilities are innate to us, but due to programming and blockages, they fade and become forgotten. However, as we clear, reprogram ourselves, and connecting back to our core essence they return. Many people are already using these abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, energy reading, future sight, remote viewing, dreaming, etc., all of which are exciting discoveries and help us navigate this world, heal it, and bring new things here. But how do we develop these abilities? Meditation, stillness, and practice help a lot, especially if we are truly serious and our intentions are clear regarding their use.

The purpose of this post is to say that if you have or will have a young child, let them stay in that rainbow-colored little warm bubble because they are still connected with their soul, their inner child, and their abilities. Don’t kill their dreams, their childhood, with the bittersweet adult view of life, responsibilities and your own projected traumas and hurt. Young children still have their third eye open and very empath—they see and feel the energies, what we cannot and may know things we've long forgotten. Conditioning and gaslighting make them "average," so they can fit into the matrix box. To them, this place is magical, exiting, full of unlimited possibilities and potential. Don’t take away their sweet childhood dreams, because they will pay a high price for it later. These new generation children are completely different from those before, and I believe that with good guidance and protection, they are capable of great things if we let them. The old matrix has run its course, and with the new one, we must dare to dream, do, and build together. Because who wouldn’t want a fantasy utopian life? That’s what the New Age is about—returning to ourselves, living and being in harmony with nature and others. 

I wish for everybody a very good weekend and blessed March! 

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