"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - Let go of self-judgement & Childlike wonder - 09.02.2025

We're in a time where anything that doesn't have heart consciousness within it will not survive. It may try to overthrow or control for a series of years, but it literally can't survive; consciousness-wise, where the planet is going, that won't be allowed to survive. We're in a very slow death of judgmental energy that we were all trained into. And I don't know about you, but judgment towards ourselves is such a disease for so many of us that we all inherited, and we've had to work through layers of. My guides, the Z's, always say that if you catch yourself judging yourself, know that you're stopping yourself and stopping your progress.

That's very different to reflecting and going, "Oh, I could do that better next time. Oh, I see what I did there, I'm going to do that slightly differently next time." But when you're judging yourself and being hard and attacking yourself, you're stopping your progress. They say if you catch yourself judging yourself, that's fine, but also create another part of you that is just aware of the judgment and that loves you regardless of this aspect of you that wants to judge.

-Lee Harris


There is a wonder of the miracle of being alive; remembering the wonder of being alive and the miracle of it. Childlike wonder is a powerful force. Then we live from a less programmed place and a more possible place. The reason your kids ask you eight million questions when they're little is because they are coming to the world from a place of wonder. They've got enough soul amnesia about this place that they're like, "What is this? How does this work? What does this mean?" They have a level of wonder about their engagement with the world.

It's not that kids aren't very quickly learning about areas in our way of being that would shut them down, but the wonder doesn't go away for quite a while if the child is held in enough support in those early years. They can let their wonder reveal itself and play in the world.

-Lee Harris


Love will be the most abundant currency on your planet in the years to come so if you align with love now, you are also aligning with the future.

- From Activate Your Self-Love Meditation

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