We are moving rapidly now, as density dissolves, into the realization, that what we were always taught to be real, is actually illusion, and what we were taught to deny within ourselves, our higher faculties of seeing beyond the veils of illusion, was indeed meant to be the true seeing. Truthful seeing.
As a child I could see the fairies, gnomes, angels, etc and soon found that adults did not quite know how to handle it all, and my mother soon told me, it was my overactive imagination.
I realize now in retrospect that my psychic abilities were there all along, but I soon learnt not to share what I was seeing, and schooling exasperated this. For many years I did not use these faculties, until my life started caving in, and my third eye opened again, and quite suddenly. It came as a shock, as I had come from a strict Christian background, where such things were not talked about.
It happened on a Boer War Battlefield, where once my own greatgrand fathers, fought on the Boer side against the British, as their farms were in that area. I was now archivist on the same battlefield and was now seeing on a daily basis, the British soldiers who had died there. They used to click their heels, salute and called me: "Madam!" and I did not know what to do with them and wished they would go away. I refused to even acknowledge them, as I thought I was going bonkers. However my staff members soon realized what was going on and often asked where I was seeing them and to describe them.
End result, my curator called me in and said that on the day of the commemoration of the battle, a BBC film crew would be present, and a company of one of British regiments, just shipped out from the Iraq war, and I would need to give a running commentary of what I was seeing, climbing up the very steep hill, where most were killed, with a microphone strapped on me. This in the evening, at sunset. Started the greatest nightmare of my life!
I was accompanied not only by the film crew, but by two South African veterans of the Angola war, two members of the visiting British regiment, a man and woman soldier, both officers, plus Stephen a photographer and his wife, who was psychic and she saw the horses.
I was seeing everything in technicolor and clarity and the slaughter half way up that hill, where the British artillery was killing their own by mistake.
At last on the top, we all sat in silence, waiting for midnight, when we could hear the clop-clop of the Boer horses as they came to collect their i jured and dead. Stephen took a photograph were you could see the ghosts of the British soldiers moving through us, sitting there.
That downhill climb was a nightmare in itself!
We all sat down in silence on the verandah of the Smith cottage, the real soldiers and me. Said, the British officer to me, trying to comfort me: "I know what you are seeing. Its your 6th sense. When we go into battle we cannot see the enemy anymore, but you know where they are because of your 6th sense
I could not get over this and with the help of Stephen brought a psychic friend, who is now my editor, who confirmed everything I was seeing. "They are drawn to you because of your light. They are stuck here, and need your help to release them so that their souls can be freed."
"What??? How many are there? How am I supposed to do that?
"Oh sixty or so!"
I nearly fell off my chair!
Well, it so happened, the curator went overseas and I had the whole upper floor to myself. One by one they came. I asked them their name, rank etc so that I could look them up on the army records, and know I was not imagining things. What kept them stuck was mostly unfinished business, sweethearts and family at home and not being prepared for trauma and death and horrors of war. There are no winners in war. Wars leave only trauma and pain, and it seeps into the landscape as well.
One by one they were freed.
One morning in spring, after the first rain when the new grass and the flowers brought new birthed, I parked my car, and as I got out, a shaft of sunlight highlighted the field in front of me: There they all were, saluting me as a final thank you and goodbye. They were free.
This changed my whole life and was the start of a totally new life and new beginnings.
It made me trust my inner seeing and knowing more than any outside illusions.
And this will be now what so many will find, when their full faculties as souls are reawakening and they can finally see. Truthful seeing and knowing, seeing through the illusion and be freed.
We are finally able now to step past all divisions, all wars, through forgiveness and the Power of Love into unity and oneness. There is far more which unite us then could ever divide us. For in truth we are all One.
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