"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Symptoms of the change from a carbon body to a crystalline body - 27.02.2025


All incarnates are experiencing more or less intense symptoms as the carbon body begins to disintegrate - exhaustion, depression, anguish, disorientation, not belonging - each one lives their own experience of “collapse”.

Everything that manifests physically vibrates in a certain frequency range for the human Senses to perceive. But many are unaware that these are signs of Ascension and do not perceive it as a vibrational change in the body's bioelectromagnetic system.

The physical body responds with pain to the demands of Self-resurrection. The change in diet and emotions serve as conduits of release in this restructuring that causes fatigue.

Your energy is simply balancing itself.

This is your journey because you are ready.

The mutation causes:

Disorientation; You are no longer in 3D, you have advanced, and you are about to anchor yourself in your “new place”. You no longer tolerate certain environments, people, conversations. You may have created a situation that seems like your worst nightmare, know that your soul is leading you to amplify the authentic aspects of yourself. Evolve.

Deep depression - Phases of the Dark Night of the Soul - by releasing the energies of the Pain Body/Shadow Body, such as traumas and lack of love for yourself. There is a lot of external and internal pressure that makes you question the meaning of your own existence to find the courage to free yourself from toxic relationships and learn Self-Love.

Anxiety and panic: the ego is losing control over the formed identity, behavior and desires change to higher standards, hence the fear of feeling vulnerable and powerless.

Perceiving Presences, hearing buzzing or your name - it is a higher type of communication.

Sensation of tingling, levitation, numbness when relaxing; sweating, chills and changes in body temperature, itching, skin rashes – this is the activation of dormant strands of the Divine Original DNA.

Extreme sensitivity when restoring higher psychic extrasensory abilities – smell, vision and hearing are amplified and enhanced.

Matter is refined at the cellular level in the blood, muscles, bones. The new vibration changes the functioning of the organs.

The heart center and emotions are emptied.

Everything ferments to be transformed. Fevers, flus, unusual pains in different parts happen while you are vibrating in a higher dimension and releasing the pent-up energy that vibrates in 3D.

Vilma Capuano

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