We're building towards a New Moon at 9°41' Pisces on February 28th, so see where this falls in your chart and don't forget to set a new intention for whatever you would like to manifest in your life.
We have a remarkable number of planets in Pisces at this New Moon: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node. On one level this can manifest as heavy rainfall or flooding in certain areas (I cover some of these potentials towards the end of this video), and it also brings up in us a great deal of sympathy and compassion for anyone involved in extreme situations of suffering.
All this Pisces energy also fuels our psychic sensitivity that will continue to increase all year. Watch your dreams. Be in nature. Listen to the birds and the wind. Drop into peace and bliss as often as you can.
As Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and Neptune will leave Pisces (although it will retrograde back into this sign from October until January 2026) on March 30th, and this signals a major 165 year ending. So clearly this is a once in a lifetime transit. Where do the last few degrees of Pisces fall in your chart? Which house area? What is ending there for you, and with the North Node there too, what is beginning? Try to tune into this major shift that is for your soul's path of growth.
Mars which has been retrograde since December 6th 2024 is moving stationary direct tomorrow at 17° Cancer, but will remain 'out of bounds', ie more extreme and out of control potentially in its expression until April 7th. From tomorrow it will move forwards, if only slowly, so see where 17° Cancer falls in your chart and where you are starting to see more clarity in that area of your life.
At the time of this exact station, Mars is conjunct the Midheaven (leadership, government) in Washington DC. So this should be an extremely active week in the US that with out-of-bounds Mars may feel a little wild.
Jupiter at 12° Gemini is square to this New Moon, suggesting that there could be some very big news coming out this week which could be quite shocking or surprising as Mercury at 25° Pisces is sextile Uranus at 23° Taurus. Truth is coming to light, which is necessary for us to move forwards.
We then move into a very powerful month of March with the Eclipses and the Aries Equinox, with some huge evolutionary energies to help us on our way. You will sense the pace really start to pick up next month, so find a daily practice that brings you rapidly into peace, calm, gratitude and bliss. The Pisces energy will help you with this, and will serve you well with the changes ahead.
Many blessings to you all.
New Moon in Pisces February 28th 2025
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