"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Telepathy - 26.02.2025

Note the intense influx now of cosmic and Source energy, the sun flares are now being amplified by the Prime Creator Energy Source, are now activating only our new DNA but our whole bodies and fields are being reinvented and rewired (so to speak). Nowhere more so that now in the throat and glands, our higher heart are now the awakening in unison with the Higher Heart of the Higher Mind. They work AS ONE.

With this we are now asked to master telepathy and will remember how to do this.
I have been able to do this with animals, and reading landscapes, energy fields, and tapping into them, since 2009, and I am finding that telepathic and energetic communications fields are now opening to a much higher degree.

Our own telepathic abilities which will ensure that by 2032, computers become redundant, as we can easily and effortless communicate telepathically, and with this will come teleportation, bilocation, and the ability to “read’ the universal records stored in energy fields, for all is recorded in energy fields, and there is no need for physical hard drives etc. And this is all WITHIN us, our SOULS, and not in AI, for our souls are infinitely ONE with the Prime Creator, and we in truth do not need a third party or psychedelics to access such knowledge. The Great Masters who walked on earth all knew this and could access it.

I have had telepathic communication with elephants, whales, dolphins, lions, etc. for the last few years, and the real communication here includes the OPEN-HEART center. The sacred heart is light up within you and then connects to the sacred heart of the animal, or sea mammal, and they will instantly respond. Animals “READ” your energy and the energy fields and will firstly notice your heart center and your intent, while simultaneously then picking up your message and then will respond.

To me these are always wonderful signs of the interconnectedness of life. I have had with a lioness I communicated with in Timbavathi, after I opened a huge portal there, and she then settled herself on a rock next to the game vehicle and immediately her front leg bent to her paw touched her heart. Lion’s hearts touch the earth when lying down, as they work with the earth’s energy lines and keep the Link to Sirius open with their roars. Thus, when she did that, it meant that her heart was open, she was receptive and ready to communicate in higher ways.

I am just mentioning this, for it shows again that all it interconnected. I can share many instances where this happened even in Kruger Park and the Addo Elephant Park, as well as locally with the whales and dolphins.

When we start to understand the interconnectedness of all life and life forms, visible and invisible, and cosmically so, then we will finally respect every single aspect of the vastness of creation and understand that we are ALL ONE.
You are another me and I am another you, and so are all species, each one in his or her own way.

When we finally use telepathic communication, lies will disappear because everyone will be able to read your thoughts, your intent and there are no hiding places anymore. Anyway, the more enlightened you become the more transparent you become, as you have nothing to hide anymore.

It is time for all of us to master telepathy again, so that we our whole ways of communication are lifted into the 5th and 7th dimensional state and even higher. Telepathy has no limits, and all Universal and Intergalactic Races communicate telepathically. Most only use their vocal cords for singing and chanting, as we indeed, before the fall of Atlantis.
Such is the immense gift of New Humanity in the New Earth and the New Golden Age, and this is already happening now!

Judith Kusel
Photo: All credit to the Source

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