We are moving deeper into the heart and soul connection, the infinite, deepest knowing of the soul.
The deeper the connection, the higher our Light quotient, the easier it becomes to download universal knowledge, directly from Source. Knowledge far surpassing anything on earth and anything AI can ever provide.
Lord Melchizedek, and my other Ascended Masters, when I asked them about this answered: a machine or robot or AI is only as finitely capable, as the one who invented and programmed it. It is limited and can only develop into certain frameworks of patterns, and not further.
The soul is backed up not only by its own immense soul knowledge it has gained, since it was first birthed, but by its soul group, the cluster soul groups and the cosmic core, which is infinite. Consciousness. All Seeing, All Hearing, All Knowing.
The more illumined and enlightened the soul becomes, the more it ascends through the many spirals and tiers of creation, the higher the access to immortal Knowing.
As creation is always recreating itself, the possibilities are endless.
The keys and codes to all infinite knowledge are there in your own soul.
This does not mean that AI is not a useful tool. yet not sell your soul to a mere lifeless tool.
It simply means that a master is not dependent on the tool, but the deepest knowing within, which always brings you back to Love.
Without love, life loses its meaning and purpose.
We are asked now to allow all notion and self perceived notions as well as indoctrinated programming, to dissolve, knowing that all is possible in the infinite creation.
Creation is always recreating itself and we, with the Shift, are in the stage of being recreated into the new 7th root race, the new cosmic infinite men and women, regaining longevity, vibrant health and vitality.
I have been guided to every morning, reclaim my birthright, as the infinitely beloved daughter of the Prime creator and to live this, from my heart and soul, with love and joy.
This means stepping past all seeming limitations into the infinite knowing that my infinite soul is now in charge, as I claim Divinity within and everything is possible.
It means the finite now becomes the infinite with every single breath we take!
Once our inner soul self shifts, our outer world shifts miraculously.
When we express and seek joy, we find joy's presence everywhere.
When we are love and have loving intent to sow only seeds of love in our thoughts, words and deeds, we find love is present where we go.
When we claim our own sacredness, our own divinity, we find the sacredness and divinity reflected everywhere, as every encounter becomes a sacred and holy encounter.
With every single breath we take, every single word, action, the very beingness, in the here and now, we are already creating the New Golden Age, with love and joy, as we are already BECOMING it!
This is a vital key.
Photo: All credit to the artist.
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