"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Signs from the Universe & Implants and symptoms - 25.10.2024


We're passing through the Photon Belt, receiving massive Transmissions of Light Waves from the Central Sun to get us out of illusion. The lesson is to stop controlling what's outside in order to gain control of what's inside you: Sovereignty of self, through the release of intense emotions.

The Great Magellane Cloud, the brightest galaxy-satellite has absorbed a smaller one, just as our Milky Way has already attached others. The Andromeda Galaxy, which was the first to ascend in this Resident Universe, is predicted to absorb the Milky Way, and now propel others. This is part of the Grand Plan of cosmic evolution.
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“Now, on the planets we call the outer solar system, the Reversal has already taken place. The Sun has been set free... and our Bodies of Eternity... “ ~BIDI on 04/10/18 - by JLA
Recent activations through Light Waves catalyze radical changes in Frequency on the planet that governs the Planetary Time Matrix...
SYMPTOMS OF RESURRECTION: “Just as happens in the cosmos, transformation by light occurs in the human body... violent and strong eliminations, both on your body level and your conscience level..
It's not about resistances here, it's not about burning karma, but simply, with the predominance of Eternity, everything that was part of the ephemera and that was crystallized, connected to the habits, explodes at once. And then it might trigger pain... But you may note, that they no longer affect like they used to... ”~Bidi
“Listen to what the Light of Grace says... Rejoice because on the timescale of your incarnate space, TIME JOINS WITH SPACE, putting an end to the passage of time and the illusion of space.
Welcome the Wave of Life and the Wave of Ether directly into your Temple of Eternity so that all else disappears from your life and consciousness, where form dissolves, where no word can alter your consciousness and your Flame. ” ~THE IMPERSONAL
Vilma Capuano summaries of the collection of Shantinilaya and Miguel's Soldiers



In the coming days, we continue to be under intense photonic and solar plasma energization, acting towards metamorphosis by deactivating some implants. The plasma light is similar to the Aurora Borealis. 

The Spleen and Liver are changing their functions, updating the vital force of the blood plasma that goes to the Heart and Kidneys, due to the changing chemical structure. We are a microcosm, we have an internal solar system, in which all organs and systems are energetically interconnected to the macrocosm for the functioning of the Life forces that sustain the soul in the physical. 

Certain blocks of consciousness and illnesses come from Implants at the etheric level to drain and maintain the Illusion in 3D reality through Pain. The implants aim to disconnect from your Essence, and to feel separated from the Divine Source. They were holographically inserted to divert and steal Gaia's life force and also the parts of the human body that belong to the anchoring system of our spirit during the experience in matter. .

 One of the implants being dissolved is in the Spleen meridian, which is why we no longer feel the pleasure we used to when eating certain foods and need less quantity and more natural foods. . The energy of the Spleen is directly related to the Earth Element and the ability to have Mental Clarity. Keep it healthy: excess thoughts, stress and irregular eating habits weaken it. The Spleen likes warm foods, in energy and temperature, for example proteins, pepper, ginger, and cereals. . 

The Spleen is the center for transporting the energy that is processed in the stomach to the Blood, transforming it into forces to regenerate and strengthen the immune system. When there is an obstacle in its functioning, it affects taste, appetite, iron levels, digestion, causes stomach distension and nausea, fatigue, insomnia, infertility. . 

Vilma Capuano

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