Let go.
Of all which has ever been you, all the acting roles you ever played on the planetary stage on the Old Earth.
All the characters, the personas, the ego self assumed, especially since the Fall.
The stage is no more. The characters dissolved.
In the last few hours huge chains, restrictions, blocks, hindrances, shackles, bonds, and whatever held us still in bondage to those acting roles, have been removed.
You are free.
However, if you choose to still hang on to the roles, the old acting, to the non-existing stage, the old baggage, then that is your own free will choice.
What this means is that we now are in the stage where the Shift intensifies into a totally new and higher dimensional existence, in a new Solar Lightbody, and therefore it will be at times as if you become the observer, observing yourself, as your physical body is trying to keep up, with the soul now remembering the truth of who and what you in truth are, as soul.
With it, your whole life now will take on a new existence, expression, meaning and purpose, which is soul empowered and soul inspired, and with it you start experiencing oneness, unity.
It becomes a new way of life, authentic, truthful, real.
You cannot go back to the old acting roles, nor do you want to, ever again.
This phase of new reconstruction brings its own growth as soul, and it is not comfortable, yet at the same time, exhilirating, as infinite possibilities for new life and higher soul expression brings expansion, and yet, simplicity.
Yes, simplifying our lives, seeking that deep connectivity to All That IS, and realizing that we in truth can live simply, and in love, joy, and infinite wonder, from deep within and not so much from the outside. That we can choose to live in harmony with all of life and life forms, as we become harmless, loving, contentment grows.
Letting go means resurrection into a totally new way of life and living, in love, with love, through love, embracing our divinity and living truthfully from our hearts and souls, and all that we are, as ONE.
There is no need for baggage, for there is more than enough, and we are more than enough, just as we are!
We are SOUL, infinite, whole, complete!
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli
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