"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Multi-dimensionality is here & energy of regeneration of the vital life force rising - 16.05.2024

Multi-dimensionality is here and with as we expand more and more into the truth of who and what we are, at Soul Level, all the latent abilities and powers, and knowledge of our souls returns.

Our higher communication and transmitters channels are now opening wider than ever before.
With it past, present and future blend into ONE, for indeed the future is already in the here and now. Time as we know it, exists no more.

With all of this the deepest connections with our soul families on Universal and Intergalactic levels are now opening on all higher levels, as I am experiencing this more and more.

We can now communicate telepathically and even experience the deepest connection with the Intergalactics again, for the more our consciousness rises, the more we will find that they are indeed already here with us, and we can finally see, hear and interact with them multi-dimensionally. Indeed, they never left - we just could not see nor hear them in the 3rd dimensional state. They never left, as they have been here from the very beginning when earth was first created!

Note that huge earth changes are coming in, and with the immensely powerful sun energies now being released, as Divinely master planned, our DNA is activated in much higher levels, with our now Solar Lightbody form and this then the sensation of being liquidized more and more.

Note this process will continue, as we now are expanding beyond anything which had been before, and everytime we think we have arrived, the next wave of expansion will be upon us.
All which you seek, is already present within you.

Our capacity to love and experience transcendental love is now opening on much higher levels, and this not just on earthly planes but intergalactic and universal.
Rest is so important and more then this, quietude, more time in nature, as Mother Earth is much larger than we are, and assists us to assimilate these changes as she has already ascended fully into the 5th and 7th dimensional state.


I so feel the energy of regeneration of the vital life force rising in its profundity.
It is a deep dissolving of the old, as it is redundant. It no longer serves our highest soul growth and good. We are transcending this, indeed, moving way beyond it all, into a much higher soul conscious form of life, where love and unity is the norm.
We are expanding now way beyond the earthly realms, into the galactic and universal, the omniversal.
The infinite whole.
Our minds cannot reach this far, as yet, but the heart and soul can and is expanding beyond all previous limitations into the endless new possibilities opening on all levels of existence now.  

To me this is the greatest Divine blessing we ever received and the more we open ourselves to expansion, for more we learn to flow with it all and to be carried, transformed, reshaped and recreated.

Claim your greatness as a true Sun and Sun Daughter of the Divine.
More than this, to live our infinite soul truth with and within love, in the highest and best ways, for the highest good of all.

Judith Kusel
Photo: All credit to the Artist.
Photo: All credit to the artist, with appreciation of their genius. Natalia Alba
source - facebook

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