"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Nicky Hamid - on choosing your "happy place"

On Choosing your “Happy Place”

Someone has written to me.

“Dear brother, I also hope to embody this quality (feeling happy) but struggle with it being this easy. I will say that I am fully aware when I am out of alignment with love.
But how does one “choose happiness” in difficult times when emotions and conditioned energies (like abandonment, guilt, shame etc) are strong and firing away from one’s pain body? I know the answer is in your message here somehow and from this choice-point of thought you mention…but when the thoughts are automatic and not so manual, it is a challenge and something I don’t have much success with. I just ride out the darkness and trust it has its own divine timing and healing. To be able to stop the painful thoughts/emotions in their tracks by flipping a shiny happiness switch sounds incredibly liberating but so advanced.
It is very simply about choice in any given moment. Happiness is a state of being when you align to your Soul Self.
When facing a stuck point of any kind. Of fear, anxiousness, self-doubt , ect, ect. You stop yourself to address your Being by any simple action.
That is why I suggest so often.
Close eyes, hands on heart, a couple of slow, gentle deep breaths. Feel what it is doing within yourself and how you immediately become present in yourself. Now open your eyes and say to yourself "This what I see is just a "movie', and feel what that means.
Now see what was standing in your way and deal with it in whatever way you are prompted.
Practice, practice getting quicker and quicker at pulling yourself back into your stillpoint by any means, and make your Choices from there.. This is how to become more aligned, more empowered. by touching the point of who you really are Beautiful Human.
You are what you identify with.
Why not identify with the Magnificent Soul Being that you ARE?
Your CHOICE in any given moment.
I rest my case with a Huge Hug .
I So Love You.

source - facebook

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