"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - The energetic momentum builds - the many waves - 21.05.2024


There is NO ‘rewind’.
There’s no going back. To go back is to choose to cycle again.
We’ve come too far NOW.
Keep going…


To understand:

There are ‘groupings’ within all of humanity. That share similar timelines within a ‘grouping’. I prefer to call these groupings ‘THE MANY WAVES’. In each of the WAVEFORMS are ‘people’ at similar stages of their embodiment. Yet within just one waveform, are the many individuals at their very OWN timings, just as there are many many bubbles within even just one WAVE that moves across the ocean, and those bubbles (of energy) CHANGE as they OPEN as energy upon the shore, at each one’s OWN timing.

As a WAVE (of people) land on the shore, some may STAY on the shore (5D) for their lifetime, BUT some will keep / have kept going, expanding further and further and further. As at soul level they just reach the shore (5D) but not to stay there. The other waves approaching the shore can not see that others have already landed, UNTIL they themselves land and can then see the others there. The next wave can see the waves in front of them and the waves behind them. And the waves that are deeper in the ocean can not see there is a DIFFERENT shore just yet. And some shall at soul level choose to see and remember after transition from their physical body. YET all waves, all shores (dimensions) and all ether (spirit) is always…ONE.


As I’ve shared for several years now, there are many that shall land from the ocean onto the shore (5D). They will build, in a consciousness STATE of love, peace and harmony. Many are the practical doers, inventors, builders. And some shall just hold the space, and nurture. So a huge and vast amount of humanity that shall create, from that STATE of being, that IS an everyday consciousness state of love, peace and harmony that they are, and thus emit (as energy). Many shall be connected to their other selves eg. Galactic (universal). Many shall reach higher states of consciousness (more dimensions). Yet as explained previously, there shall also be/is, a different type of being, that is ‘not in the world or worlds’ yet retains the physical vessel. These beings are those that are One with the Holy Spirit. Ominiversal. One. So they give, in different ways OF ENERGY, and by being the empty human vessel for The Divine Creator to dream through them (work through them), in many ‘NEW’ and DIFFERENT WAYS. ‘New’ only meaning we have not seen these ways for a very long time upon Earth.

The more you choose to be true to your OWN INNER design AND own inner timeline that is unique for you, the more you’ll expand into more of the consciousness you already are.

As you go, the more it all makes sense: your life (Soul Mission 1), your life experiences, and your Soul Mission 2 (new role to master, of your Mastery). Yet the ‘sense’ is not from the human mind thinking, or of what humanity has so far determined as typical human brain logic.

 The sense I speak of, is IN BEING. OF FEELING. OF SENTience. Through and of the Heart. Where SENTIENCE becomes you and is lived from. Every day. This sentience is felt AS YOU, you ARE it, and thus you FEEL it in everything via your sentient energetic connection to ALL. That is only experienced, known and lived, through the LOVE within you that IS The Divine. As I always say, Love, has many octaves, to meet and become.

FEAR based choices, contract you (old game).
MIND based choices, create more cycles upon cycles (old game and in Soul Mission 1).
LOVE expands you. It IS the highest choice. It takes you OUT of the old game. It has always been this way. And why I always remind, share and point to the LOVE. Each one’s heart IS a never ending portal, to you KNOWING and LIVING from the Eternal State you actually, truly, already are. For ALL are of and in the One Eternal.

And sure, many will not understand you. Many will misperceive you. But they WILL understand you at some point; either at another point in their own living timeline, or in their afterlife of The Spirit So it is for YOU, to just keep going, IN LOVE

With Love always
21 May 2024
Oil on canvas.
Artist: Amanda Lorence
source - facebook

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