"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Incoming energies and your own path - 11.05.2024


Some that have seen this wall for many years may have noticed I have posted less and less about incoming energies in recent months, for 2 reasons:

1] Many more people are now posting about the Sun and Cosmic energy, so there is increasingly plenty of information out there for people to read or hear.

2] I’ve been posting about INCOMING ENERGY for 9 years now. It feels my job is done on that. Yet stay open just in case there may be more to share than I already have. My INCOMING ENERGY posts in particular were to help you FEEL, in that NOW MOMENT, in order to physically recognise within you, when incoming energy is either stronger or different. As I physically feel all Incoming Energy so don’t go by scientific instruments of sun or cosmic activity readings, I was trying to help you to FEEL many types of ENERGY in that NOW moment of those many postings. I’ve also explained so much about incoming energy and why it’s happening over the years. But we each have to always stay TRUE to what our consciousness is guiding each of us to focus on next, then next, and then next.


1] I will at some point do a video, to explain all I have been shown within, of the signs to expect exactly prior to the POINT of The Event Wave, which is a ONE OFF frequency emission. As I’ve explained since 2015, energies were to increase incrementally. So as not to overwhelm humanity. This gradual increase has been occuring for many years now and STILL CONTINUES. I’ll also explain the differences between Incoming Energy AND Brain Recalibration. As although both are related, the multiple vibrations from the Sun and the Cosmos are VERY different to brain recalibration vibrations that occur in MANY PLACES WITHIN the BRAIN. It can often be confusing to people which is incoming energy (which is all the time every day), and what energies and vibrations are YOURS; of you OWN brain firing up the dormant areas of the brain, via increased electrical activity along the neural pathways. It is what occurs TO THE BRAIN, one person at a time, that leads to an altered state of consciousness.

2] We are all equal and unique, our soul purposes are all different, and we each have different timings. And so to disregard this next bit if it doesn’t resonate for you:

INCOMING ENERGY affects every single person and BODY differently. Some feel adverse physical effects. Some don’t notice or feel energy. Some get more tired. Some get agitated as their physical nervous system reacts to the energy they are receiving. Some will get VERY excited. I personally always FEEL as high as a kite, I lap it up because my path has always been related to physically feeling and working with energy. BUT, I always choose to MEET and MERGE with incoming energy, so not be in distraction of the mind. This means being quiet, letting go of the body and MIND, becoming ENERGY, so that I can consciously ALIGN TO and be aware of EACH of the multiple vibrations being received and where they affect different parts of the body including our chakras.


Everyone is uniquely and beautifully different and will be doing whatever they wish to when STRONG or even subtle incoming energy arrives. Including the Event Wave. But if you wish to become more SENTIENT:

It would be to meet energy AS energy, by dropping the human and all mind thoughts. We receive individually to our body and brain by degrees, based on what we can each withstand, or resist, or ignore. Merging with energy, wanting the energies means YES (via light laws) so we receive MORE AMOUNTS. The below diagram shows you how energies lesson from their cosmic origin point, then lesson again to our nearest sun, and from the sun they lesson again to entry point of earth. People receive different amounts of energy based on what their body can physically withstand. If we are very active mentally, we can’t SENSE as much as when we SLOW DOWN and JUST FEEL, as we receive it. Mother Earth receives. The animal kingdom receives. The plant kingdom receives. ALL receive.

COSMIC energies as well as the sun’s energies collaborate to assist in the rising of humanities consciousness. This is Creator/Source/God orchestrated, so it comes from beyond the physical creation of the Universe and physical matter. Yet IS ALSO of and within physical matter and universe.

But to understand, the brain of each person is INDIVIDUALLY recalibrated in one’s own timing. The brain’s process of adaptation is beyond human mind control, but we CAN MEET IT and align to IT’s process, and thus KNOW what is happening within our own brain, by our choice of focus. I am only aware of humanities brain recalibration since 2012. Yet some had a precursor of full brain recalibration in 1987 the year of the harmonic convergence (myself included but I was then locked up in a hospital where they electrocuted my brain because of it). It occurs gradually, and incrementally. One at a time. It is the brain’s recalibration that allows higher hertz wavelengths to be interpreted more easily. They were always there but the brain could not interpret them and process them. The brain’s recalibration, gradually opens and activates dormant parts of the brain, that then access higher HERTZ wavelengths. Having the effect of changing our CONSCIOUSNESS STATE. With more ENERGETIC abilities. It creates a more SENTIENT BEING with a human body. As well as increasing the bandwidth REACH, of the human five senses. In tandem, the holographic outward presentation of what we see and hear etc changes for the collective.

We are given signs in the skies and upon the Earth. As prophesied. Yet to become more of your consciousness, appreciate the signs, be in joy this is happening, but always go consciously beyond physical phenomena. So that you aren’t staying IN the parts of the brain that are linear and process in the linear ways we are coming away from. For our brains are changing, to be met and allowed, by each of us. If we choose. Are we crazy? No. You are the evolving change, INTO becoming the evolved HUMAN ENERGÉTICA, with more SENTIENCE, and this is occuring within humanity all around this beloved Mother Earth.

Always with Love
11 May 2024
Just for fun, although I’d never choose those words myself, the second pic light heartedly sums up the embodiment process

source - facebook

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